Chance (24 Jan 2021)
"WHO Changes Over-Sensitive PCR Testing - This Will Result In A Huge Decrease in "Cases""


Hello John and Doves,
This should make every American angry!  Everyone in the world should be outraged!
After months of scientists, epidemiologists, and physicians telling WHO the PCR test is far too sensitive, the WHO, "just one hour after Joe Biden was sworn in as president of the United States", announced changes in the PCR testing.  Basically, a PCR positive test no longer equals a positive Covid-19 diagnosis.  You'll need a second test to confirm it ALONG with clinical symptoms.
This is way different from what's been going on....a positive test meant your were Covid-19 positive, infected and infective and a positive test was called a 'case'.  WHO has known all along this was not true.  But it served their purpose to keep people afraid and in quarantines and lockdowns.  All for their agenda, the Great Reset.
The PCR testing uses amplification of genetic material obtained on a nasal swab.  The PCR manufacturers were told to use 40 or more cycles of amplification.  This would detect anything and everything.  Almost everyone would eventually test positive.  Positive results cannot be trusted above 30 cycles.  So these over-sensitive, misleading tests have been used to shut us down and keep us afraid.  Despicable!
Back in August, MSN had an article "Expert:  US Covid-19 positivity rate high due to 'too sensitive' tests.  Up to 90 percent of people tested for Covid-19 in Massachusetts, New York, and Nevada in July carried barely any traces of the virus and it could be because today's test are 'too sensitive', experts say....PCR tests analyze genetic matter from the virus in cycles and today's tests typically take 37 to 40 cycles (some up to 60 cycles), but experts say this is too high because it detects small amounts of virus that don't pose a risk....In Massachusetts, from 85 to 90 percent of the people who tested positive in July with a cycle threshold of 40 would have been considered negative if the threshold were 30 cycles..."
Experts: US COVID-19 positivity rate high due to 'too sensitive' tests
There are still PCR tests using the high cycle threshold.  Manufacturers should be lowering that in their test kits with this new WHO information.  And then to complicate everything, CDC warns of another variant of Covid.  Just in time.....
So our businesses have been destroyed, jobs have been lost, with massive shutdowns and quarantines all because WHO put the cycles so high, knowing there would be lots of positives.  And calling these positives "cases" was the icing on the cake.
Sure there is a bad virus out there, but SARS and MERS were worse!, and cities, states, and the government have been shutting us down based on the PCR testing!!!!  Lies and deception!
January 22, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) - In what some have suggested is politicized timing, the World Health Organization on Wednesday changed the protocol for Covid-19 testing, which will result in large reductions in the numbers of positive cases.  The body took this action just one hour after Joe Biden was sworn in as president of the United States....The guidance warned against diagnosing someone as having the virus just because he tests positive if he does not present with symptoms of Covid-19.  It also warned about the high risk of false positives:  "The cycle threshold (Ct) needed to detect virus is inversely proportional to the patient's viral load.  Where test results do not correspond with the clinical presentation, a new specimen should be taken and retested using the same or different NAT technology."
In other words, the cycle threshold to detect the virus needs to be lowered....Dr. Michael Mina, an epidemiologist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, said the cutoff should be 30 cycles.  This would mean that about 70% of our positive tests now would be negative!! 
Experts: US COVID-19 positivity rate high due to 'too sensitive' tests
This should remove all doubt that Biden and his Democrats/the globalists/WHO all have the same agenda for America.  The destruction of our economy, the destruction of middle class America, the removal of our constitutional freedoms,  through the mandatory rules and regulations of cities, and states and numerous Executive Orders to control our every move, word, and thought.
THEY have deceived us into thinking this Covid-19 virus has killed over 400,000 people when they themselves admit they are counting influenza, pneumonia, COPD, asthma, etc. as Covid deaths - even throwing in heart attacks, car wrecks and gun shot wounds!  My previous letters cover this with various news links.
And now THEY have a vaccine for all of us to take that will, supposedly, offer a bit of protection against this virus.  mRNA vaccines have NEVER been approved for human use by the FDA, yet here they are!  Pfizer and Moderna!
"China experts say Norway and other countries should suspend the use of mRNA vaccines
like those produced by Pfizer and Moderna, especially among the elderly, according to Global Times...According to the Global Times, a Beijing-based immunologist who requested anonymity said the mRNA vaccines had not proven safe for large-scale use or for preventing infectious disease.  Noting that people over 80 have weaker immune systems, he said they should not receive the vaccine, but instead should take medicines to improve their immune systems."
"Norway health officials said last week they were investigating the deaths of 23 elderly people who died shortly after receiving the vaccine, and had confirmed 13 of those were directly related to the vaccine....and other news outlets reported last week that in Germany, the Paul Ehrlich Institute is investigating 10 deaths in people ranging in age from 79 to 93 who died shortly after receiving the Covid vaccine."
"U.S. health officials continue to push Covid vaccinations in nursing homes, despite growing resistance among nursing home employees to take the vaccine....Sunday night, California health officials called for a pause on the use of a huge batch of Moderna's Covid vaccine due to its "higher-than-usual number of possible allergic reactions....California's top epidemiologist Dr. ERic S. Pan is recommending providers pause the administration of lot '041L20A' of the Moderna Covid vaccine."

"According to the latest figures, updated Jan. 7, from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 66 deaths have been reported in the U.S. as being possibly related to a Covid vaccine.  It's estimated that only 1% of vaccine injuries are reported to VAERS."
China Health Experts Call for Suspension of COVID Vaccines as Norway Investigates 33 Deaths, Germany Probes 10 Deaths • Children's Health Defense
REMEMBER:  These vaccines were tested in 'healthy' populations...they did not test the very aged or pregnant, or immune suppressed, or those with auto-immune diseases, or obese, or asthmatic, and the exceptions go on and on. And the testing was over a very short period of time.
This vaccine will NOT stop the masks or mandatory 6 foot rule, Fauci told us this.   This will continue to keep our businesses shut down or severely damaged, and many of our people under employed and unemployed!  The vaccine comes with no guarantees that anyone will be immune to Covid-19.  It doesn't guarantee you won't get severe symptoms.  No one knows how long any antibodies will last.  Or if a person vaccinated can infect someone else if they come in contact with Covid. Yet, many businesses, airlines, doctor offices, etc. are requiring proof of vaccination before using their services now.  This is a bad situation for all Americans.  THEY put us in this position.  And many have complied or have had to comply.
This is all in their plan.  They need America a third world country under their total control.
The writing is on the wall.... 

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!