Chance (17 Jan 2021)
"January 6 At The Capitol Building and the Resulting Fallout Part 2"


Hello John and Doves,'
The saga of the Capitol Building attack continues....
"Was The US Capitol Attack Planned?"  01/15/2021
"Attackers in organized columns, a woman shouting instructions on a megaphone, and suspicious tours the day before:  investigators are probing the possibility that the January 6 attack on the US Capitol was planned, with help from insiders.
Disturbing videos, photos and online communications point to potential conspiracy.
In one video, more than a dozen men wearing assault force-type garb push up the Capitol steps in a line, cutting though the dense crowd toward the building's doors.
In another, a woman in a pink hat gives directions via megaphone to others inside the building, telling them where to go.
And several men, including two who made it inside the Senate chamber, carried zip ties that could be used to restrain hostages.
Some officials said many of the pro-Trump protesters who broke into the offices of top legislators like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appeared to know how to navigate the maze-like Capitol.
"They knew where to go," senior Democrat James Clyburn told CBS News. "Yes, somebody on the inside of those buildings were complicit in this."  (Wonder who that could be?  Who had the most to gain for calling this an "act of insurrection"?)
Michael Sherwin, the Washington federal prosecutor overseeing the investigation, said Friday they see "breadcrumbs of organization" including communications between those inside the building and outside.
He said it was a "Tier 1 top priority" for law enforcement to determine if there was an "overarching command and control" and "organized teams" in the breach of the Capitol.  But, he added, "There is no direct evidence at this point of kill-capture teams and assassinations," he said.  (more at the link)
Answers Sought: Was The US Capitol Attack Planned?
There are many video on youtube of the assault at the Capitol Building.  And thousands of witnesses as to what happened.  The MSM and all the Democrats and RINOs in Congress jumped on a narrative and pushed it - that President Trump's speech called for violence at the Capitol Building.  There was lots of evidence in the videos and hundreds statements made by the eyewitnesses that brought into question who was doing the breaking in and the violence.  Antifa was said to be there by many, many witnesses, yet MSM and the FBI said Antifa was not there.
Two days after the attack on the Capitol Building and still the FBI 'found no evidence of Antifa'.  
"FBI:  No evidence antifa involved in Capitol riot" "No evidence has been found that members of the left-wing antifa movement were involved in this week's storming of the Capitol building, the FBI said Friday..."We have no indication of that at this time," Washington Field Office assistant director Steven D'Antuono said druing a briefing when asked about any potential involvement of antifa.  Acting US Attorney for the District of Columbia Michael Sherwin separately said Thursday that investigators had not seen evidence of antifa presence." January 8, 2021
FBI: No evidence antifa involved in Capitol riot | TheHill
"Two known Antifa members posed as pro-Trump to infiltrate Capitol riot..a law enforcement source told The Post.  The Antifa members disguised themselves with pro-Trump clothing to join the DC rioting, said the sources, who spotted the infiltrators while monitoring video coverage from the Capitol." January 7, 2021
Known Antifa members posed as pro-Trump to infiltrate Capitol riot: sources

Well LOTS of people at the protest can certainly dispute the FBI's claims of NO ANTIFA!
"Utah Man with a History of Organizing Violent Antifa, BLM protests, Was Inside the Capitol."  January 7, 2021
John Sullivan was inside the Capitol.  He "has a history of organizing leftist protests and identifies with Black Lives Matter.  Over the summer, Sullivan was arrested after organizing a violent riot in Utah that ended with a shooting.  One of the host groups was the Salt Lake Antifascist (Antifa) Coalition.  At the U.S. Capitol, Sullivan was standing next to Trump supporter Ashli Babbit when she was shot and killed by a police officer.  In fact, he filmed it."
Utah Man with a History of Organizing Violent Antifa, BLM Protests, Was Inside the Capitol by Katie Pavlich
Tens of thousands of people heard President Trump's speech at the protest - there was no call for violence, only a call to "march peacefully and patriotically".
Almost immediately afterwards the Democrats in the House had impeachment papers drawn up.  (Probably had them written long before the protest!)
And President Trump was impeached on January 13 for 'inciting an insurrection'.  The House voted 232 to 197 to impeach.  And ten Republicans joined in voting YES on the impeachment!  Before any evidence could be brought forward by law enforcement as to what actually occurred.  They had their narrative and they ran with it.  They needed him impeached.  Either they are very afraid of Donald Trump OR they are just a bunch of vengeful, spiteful people.
"And this is the judgment:  the light has come into the world, but men loved the darkness more than the light, for their deeds were evil."  John 3:19
Unfortunately for them, Mitch McConnell said there wasn't enough time to impeach the President. So that's on some sort of hold.  He said the "impeachment trial is likely to start after Joe Biden's inauguration".  How they plan on legally 'impeaching' a private citizen is beyond me.  Will Trump be impeached?  Will the bell toll for the end of his political career?
But the Democrats are moving swiftly forward with the $1.9 trillion "Covid Aid and Economic Recovery Package" to get those vaccinations out there for the public.  They are in one big hurry to get us vaccinated with an unproven, dangerous vaccine! 
January 20 is fast approaching!  Will Biden be sworn in as President?   To many, this is looking more and more like needing a miracle akin to parting the Red Sea.
Or does God have something else in mind?  Anything can happen.  Where men see only one outcome, God sees thousands.  
What ever happens is all for God's glory!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!