Bob Ware (3 Jan 2021)
"14 May 1948 + (GN 1:1 gematria of 2701 x Pi squared) = 8 May 2021"

The total gematria of the seven Hebrew words of Genesis 1:1 is 2701. 2701 is the 73rd triangle number. 2701 x the ratio of Pi squared equals: 26,658. Israel’s rebirth on 14 May 1948 plus 26,658 days will be 8 May 2021. It will be seven inclusive days from 8 May 2021 to the 73rd anniversary of Israel’s rebirth on 14 May 2021.


From the groundbreaking of the original Twin Towers on 25 August 1966 to 8 May 2021 will be 10 x 1998 days. 1998 is the gematria of the first five words of Genesis 1:1. 1998 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘JESUS CHRIST’ (855) plus ‘Jesus Christ’ (1143).


1998 also equals: 3 x 666. 666 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘HOLY BIBLE’.


If we are still here, 8 May 2021 may be another day to watch.