Bob Ware (17 Jan 2021)
"31,102 verses in the Bible >>> DOW hit $31,102 once on 12 January 2021 and twice on 13 January 2021"

There are 31,102 verses in the Bible. I have been watching for this number to appear.


On 1.12.2021 the DOW reached $31,102.99 at 03:50 PM EST. On 1.13.2021 it reached $31,102.92 at 09:30 AM EST. Later that same day it was again $31,102.99.


     99 is the gematria of the last word in the Bible: 'Amen'.


     The 92nd prime number (467) is the center of my 'Prime Cross'.

     467 is the sum of three different gematrias for 'God' (86 Hebrew + 99 prime + 282 ASCII).

     Lincoln served 467 more days than JFK.


We buried my nephew's murdered son on 1.13.2021.

DOW 31,102.92 on 1-13-2021 closeup.jpg