Alex (24 Jan 2021)
"Connecting some Dots from Scripture"


Hello John,


Although I am a long term visitor of your site, this is only the second time I post. The first time was begin 2009.

If you feel it is okay to share this, please do. Thanks for all you do for Christ.


Last Sunday the 17th I can across a very disturbing YT video. See link bellow

I have seen other things, but for some reason this one disturbed me heavily.

After praying for the women of the video, it kept me thinking. But way?

Later that day is popped up again. She took the Jab (It is not what they claim it is, so I will

not give it the name it does not deserve) and after a few days this began.

Then, this name came popped up, kundalini. If you have ever seen people affected by this demonic entity,

you see similar behavior. I can’t say this is it was she has, but there are similarities.

Then this came to mind: mRNA or messenger RNA. Messenger? Angel, as in the days of Noah so it will be,

the dream of Daniel with the feet of Iron and Clay that does not mingle.


I would not say that this jab, forced and spreading like wild fire, is THE Mark, but it surely is a pre successor of it.

I can’t proof ,but I am of the believe that it will affect you in a way that you will not  resist the next one that

well could be the one. So focus on our Lord Jesus Christ, and do not mingle with that what is of the world.

And especially for my brothers and sisters in the USA, do not get caught up, lured into, the fights that are now

surfacing everywhere. It is more then ever the time to be ready! He will call soon.

Can’t wait to see HIM in HIS glory and then we will meet and chat.


God bless you all.


Alex, a brother from the Netherlands.