A Goodrick (31 Jan 2021)
"No Mask, No Go"


John and Doves,

Starting this Monday, February 1, 2021 masks will be Federally mandated for ALL transportation, per order of President Biden and the CDC ( Center for Disease Control).


This will include transit
hubs, airports, airplanes,  trains, cruise lines, buses,  vans, ride share, subways, interstate travel, taxis, and mass transportation.

If not obeyed, it will be a violation of FEDERAL law.

It will not apply to private cars and trucks with one operator.

International Digital Vaccination Passport will
be discussed at the Virtual Expo in May of 2021.

The Global Passport will be an app on your smart phone.
Also coming in the future:
no jab, no job.

The day may come when one will not be able to buy, sell or trade without the vaccine verification.

Tony  Blair wants it to be discussed at the G7 meeting in June of this year.

Even so, come Lord Jesus!