A Goodrick (31 Jan 2021)
"Atlas and Thor robots (video)"

John and Doves,

A i robots were originally produced for good causes. But as you continue watching the video and hearing Jody Williams explain, one can easily see that they can also be weaponized, and possibly used for urban warfare
Joel 2: 1-11

Drones too
Pakistani children tell how A i   drones are equally as fearsome. Rev.9:1-12

Since A i robots and drones are referred to in the book of Revelation, it is well to see what John the Revelator saw 2 thousand years ago.

After viewing this video,  one can better comprehend what the Bible says in 
Genesis 6: 5, 6 ...
" It repented the LORD that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him at His heart."
