A Goodrick (3 Jan 2021)
"REV. 8--- 4 Trumpets"

John and Doves,
Revelation Chapter 8 seems to be on the  horizon at this point in time and deals with the first 4 trumpet judgements, 
which pertain to the wrath of the Lamb Jesus.

As I see it, this is my understanding of the first four trumpets.

Let's begin with 
Trumpet #1- Rev.8:7 WAR

My belief is that this depicts a limited missile war in the Middle East known as the Russian Invasion of Israel, described in Ezekiel 38 and 39. Six nations are named as the attackers.

Now Russia knows that America is allied with Israel, so before the war begins,  most likely North Korea--allied with Russia and China-- will attack the U.S. with an EMP bomb to decommision us from coming to Israel's defense.

All our systems will then be down and we will experience "a darkness that may be felt" as it says in Exodus 10:21-23. It lasted 3 days in Exodus.

Now, since the United States is thus crippled from the EMP attack, and is unable to respond, this may be the time when New York City-babylon gets struck with a missile as described in Rev. 18, and is gone.

Then, just as the Magog forces are about to descend on the Golan Heights, an unprecedented  earthquake will occur which will shake ALL humans, animals, birds and fish upon the earth.
It is described in 
Ezekiel 38: 19, 20
Rev. 6: 15-17
Hebrews 12: 26,27

That is how I see events unfolding.

Ezekiel 38 and 39 tells us that all of God's warfare in nature will cause the downfall of the Magog forces, and Israel will obtain the Victory.

But even Isreal knows that only supernatural forces brought down the Russian Confederation, and not the weaponry of the Israeli forces. No one can claim victory here except Almighty God...
"And then they shall know that I am the LORD."

Trumpet #2--Tsunami

On the west coast of Africa, lies the Canary Islands. On that Island is a volcano that, when it explodes, will cause a massive mudslide into the Atlantic Ocean on its' far eastern side.

The intensity of that mudslide crashing into the ocean will cause a HUGE tsunami targeted toward the East Coast of the United States, and also the UK. 
That may describe trumpet #2.

Reading Psalm 46 will give us the confidence in Christ
and strong trust in His protection that we will need at that time.

Trumpet # 3 Rev. 8:10
The ISS comes crashing to earth


The International Space Station may be shot down *strategically* in the area of the Great Lakes, between the borders of Canada and the U.S., thus contaminating our lakes, rivers and water table below the ground with much radiation (referred to as "wormwood".)

Trumpet # 4 Rev 8:12

Red Moon; Many Volcanoes Aglow

A Supervolcano erupts setting off many other volcanic eruptions along the Pacific Rim.
Even the Yellowstone  Caldera originates out in the ocean along the Pacifc Rim and could affect all the plates around the globe.


As many volcanoes go off simultaneously around the world,  the chemicals in the smoke would cause a reddish color in the sky, giving the moon a bright
crimson red appearance.
That would fulfill 
Joel 2:31,32 and 
Acts 2: 19-21

That is how I understand Revelation Chapter 8.
Other interpretations are welcome.