A Goodrick (10 Jan 2021)
"The Abomination of Desolation Ai Army"

John and Doves,

We do live in perilous times.--2 Timothy 3:1.

DANIEL Chapter 10

In Daniel Chapter 10, Daniel was given a vision of how demonic our world would become, and because of that visible horror,  he mourned and fasted for 21 days, to the point of even losing his strength, until the Lord restored him.

My understanding of Daniel Chapter 10 is that God allowed Daniel to see the Abomination of Desolation Army....
an Ai robotic Army with cruel weaponry.

When that happens...

1. Matthew 24:15,16
"When you see the Abomination  of Desolation 
spoken of by Daniel the prophet,
*stand* in the holy place, whoso readeth, let him understand, then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains."

2. Luke 21: 20
"And when you shall see Jerusalem compassed with *armies*  then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.
Then let them which are in Judea flee to the mountains.
And let them which are in the midst of it depart out.
And let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto."

3. Daniel 11:31
 The Abomination of Desolation will be set up in the Sanctuary, thus polluting it.

Joel 2: 3--11
Describing the Ai Army.
Ai= artificial intelligence;
robots that are controlled by pre-programmed computers.
They have no ability to stop their directives.
100% arbitrary.

vs.2:8 "and when they fall upon the sword, they shall not be wounded"

Joel 2:11 reminds us that God has HIS army, and His camp is very great."

Jesus warns people to flee from the Ai Army without hesitation, and especially not to look back.
Luke 17:32
"Remember Lot's wife."

Genesis 19:26
"But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt."

Both the Ai Army, with its abominable mindless robots, drones, lasers and microwave weaponry, are totally demonic and inhumane.
First Time
It is my belief that a major  abominable weapon was  first used in warfare during the last week of August 2020 by the Chinese military against Indian forces.

Placing this Abominable Army into *prophetic* context, it is my belief that this inhumane Army of soulless robots, drones, lasers, and microwave will be used on the Temple Mount Plaza against the enemy and will have global coverage, becoming
as it already is today with mostly violence now being reported.

The United Nations screams at Israel for "human rights" violations.
Yet the worst human rights-violation in all of human history occurred in late August 2020, and no outcry of condemnation nor of final consequences for such an atrocity came from the hypocritical U.N.

Nor did any consequential condemnation come from any nation, including "righteous" America, who keeps commerce going with China.

T P T B (The Powers That Be) found out in late August that they can get by with the unthinkable, and no one would stop them.
This gave them the green light to use this microwave weapon with impunity.

That reluctance to condemn with finality
that abominable weapon, means that any country would now be subject to demonic control due to the Abominable Army, being deployed anywhere with its cruel weaponry.
"Who is able to make war with the Beast?"
Rev 13:4.

God believes in boomerang-theology, as shown in the Bible repeatedly.
If no country tried to stop the use of the mirowave weapon, then all countries become vulnerable to its use against them.

Daniel Chapter 10 only becomes readable if Daniel Chapter 3 is first read, memorized and understood in its fullest application.

The Abominable Army  uses the desolating
soulless weaponry 
(pre-programmed by computerization)
and all other means of extreme, radical technology in warfare that  should be outlawed.
They are abominations.

"I AM thy Shield and exceeding great reward".
Genesis 15:1.

There is no god that can shield against the effects of fire, except our God.
Our God was a shield in Hitler's ovens ----as rightly understood by many believers because of Daniel 3----and our God will shield again in the Last Days for all who call upon His Name, Jesus. 
So I most ardently believe.

"Neither shall the sun light on them nor any heat."
Revelation 7:16

Isaiah 43:2
"When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee;

and through the rivers they shall not overflow thee;

When thou
*walkest through the fire**
Neither shall the flame kindle upon thee"

Do you believe that ?

Once, my husband was engulfed in flames, struggling to put out a gasoline fire surrounding him.
When the ordeal was over, and he was miraculously saved,
even his clothes had no fumes of fire.
Our God truly is a Shield and an exceeding great reward !

Yes, what is coming ahead of us is demonic darkness, but
 *we are not to fear.* 

For God overcame that deep darkness by His shed blood on Calvary.
May we all be covered under that protecting Blood of the Lamb. May we all call upon His Name, "Jesus."

"Some trust in chariots, and some in horses:
But we will remember the name of the LORD our God.
Psalm 20:7