A Goodrick (10 Jan 2021)
"Rising Above the Chaos"

John and Doves,

It is so sad to watch our beautiful America being  torn asunder.
We yearn to return to normal, and yet we know that is not going to happen.
The day of reckoning has come, 
(Jeremiah 50 and 51)
and it must begin at the house of God.
1 Peter 4: 17 and 18

Our first reaction is fear.
Why? Why America ? 
Why Christians?

Yes, if you have noticed we Christians are being blamed for Covid and so much more.

The world hates Christians because we have a conscience and are morally guided by the Holy Spirit.

The world hates us because we genuinely care for our families, our country, the Bible and righteousness, and we relate personally with our God.
"Marvel not if the world hate you"
1 John 3 :13

"If they have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you". 
John 15:20

That is why I pray for the 
fruit of Longsuffering, from the Holy Spirit. I am not asking for suffering, but I am praying for the gift/fruit of Longsuffering to be able to endure when the time comes. 
The time has come.

"Fear none of those things that shall come upon you".
Rev. 2:10
Some Christians will be arrested, fined, jailed and even martyred.

Fear makes everything worse. 
"A perfect love (of Jesus)
casts out fear".
1 John 4:18

To accept our trials calmly, as Jesus did, wins much grace to forbear.

"I reckon that the sufferings of this
 *present time* (2021)
are not worthy to be compared to the Glory which shall be revealed in us."    Romans 8:18

We need to dig deeper into our trust in God.

Overheard in the Orchard
by Elizabeth Cheney

"Said the Robin to the Sparrow,
'I should really like to know
Why these anxious human beings
Rush about and worry so."

"Said the Sparrow to the Robin:
'Friend, I think that it must be
That they have no heavenly Father
Such as cares for you and me."

We are to remain courageous, fearless and calm.
Being rooted and grounded in Scripture ;
Being focused and cleaving to Christ;
we can be sound and safe under His promised protection.

Psalm 27:3
"Though a host (Fema ? )
(a foreign army ?)
should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear."

Though *WAR* should rise against me, in this will I be confident." [ trust in God]

As I review the events of this past Autumn and the start of Winter, I cannot help but feel that so much of this was/is pre-planned drama.
Matthew 24:4 
"Let no one deceive you."
But we can rise above all this. One can almost hear the sounds of lift-off in the distance. Our departure is right on schedule.
We are the ones to be rescued and blest.
Believers, we're going home!