A Goodrick (10 Jan 2021)
"Re: Marvin Goodman and the Rapture"

Greetings Marvin,
Thank you for your letter stating your belief in the fact that the Rapture could possibly come in mid-May


I too came to that same conclusion in my entry:

Easter Triduum

I know that Yeshua said not to pick an exact day/date
Matthew 24:36.

So I played according to Hoyle and chose a Season instead, as recommended in
1 Thessalonians 5:1
"But of the times and the Seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you". 

That's because the Holy Spirit ---the Ruach H'Kodesh ---would reveal the season to Believers as the time drew near.

My belief is that the Season is the Easter Season to Pentecost.

That sometime between April 4th ( Easter) and
May 23rd ( Pentecost),
the amazing Rapture would actually take place.

It did my heart good to see that the Holy Spirit is confirming that time frame in your Spirit too, since no one individual can rightly explain the Word. It always needs a confirmation, a witness.

I'm hoping others too will see this possibility through the lens of Scripture, because if it is a correct understanding, then the Bride of Christ as a whole will be there at Midnight awaiting the moed
(foretold appointment)
Matthew 25 : 1-13.

It gets exciting as we all become of one mind, Lord willing.
God wills that the Bride be of one mind:
Romans 15:6
2 Corinthians 13:11
Philippians 1:27

Philippians 2:2
1 Peter 3:8
"Finally, be ye all of one mind"

So let's all keep looking up, having our lamps burning bright.

In Yeshua,
a fellow dove.