Patty Hayes (26 Jan 2020)
"This is a BIG WOW!!!"

 Hi there!!! I am listening to End Time Ministries.  Irvin and Dave both have been providing some excellent historical and political news.
They have shared about the DEAL OF THE CENTURY put out by our President and orchestrated by Jared Kushner.  By the way, you may not know but Jared is Orthodox Jewish and family members survivors of the Holocaust.  According to Dave's presentation the role out may start this week ahead of us, the signing of the Peace with Israel and her neighbors and with "the many".  I saw that even Japan and China have a part in this as well as Middle East Nations.   I encourage you to take a listen to Irvin's complete information on the full package, all that this deal entails, how it will be worked out and more.  It is very thorough.

Now, the Pope in regards to the Laudato Si which is to a call for all Influential people's whether in Gov't, Media, Entertainment, Religious leaders, including Christians whether Conservative to liberal to gather in Rome this month to sign this agreement. It is "Our Common Home".  This is the merging of all faiths under his umbrella and to coerce all to worship in accepted places of worship, also the other draw on this is Climate Change which merges Nation States under one Gov't.  

This is INCREDIBLE!!! 

Patty Hayes

PS.  Please continue to pray for my medical concerns and I am praying for full miraculous healing.!!