Patty Hayes (12 Jan 2020)
"Glad Doves is up/Prayer Request"

Hi all.

So glad to see all the posting and watching going on.  For me, it is getting harder in so many ways.  On 1/29 GI Doc is doing an Endoscopy with biopsies has going into the stomach where there is much pain.  I am still not able to eat more than 1 and 1/2 meals per day without hurting myself.
I have tried the CPAP machine to no avail, making me sicker rather than better.  I am unable to sleep with it at all. Since hurting my nose in sports I just am unable to use anything that intrudes the nostrils.  I am dropping more in strength as my Endocrinologist dealing with my medicines since losing my Thyroid from cancer had dropped my intake over 100mcgs which is huge to me.  He states the former Endo Doc over medicated me and made me toxic.  Thus my right arm shakes when outstretched. Writing is difficult and holding utensils also is difficult.  

My right leg is now changing to look like the left leg, spotty and turning red, size and formation.  I still have a hard time seeing at times and now these past couple of weeks I am struggling with reading. Not everyday but many days I am unable to discern words in a paragraph as the words are merged together.  The other day, I treated new friends to a thank you lunch but was unable to read my receipt and do the math for a tip. It was unclear to me what I was looking at.  And today as write, when going to the store, I nearly fell down for loss of strength and not able to shop.  I found my way to the closest unused register to pay for the couple of items I grabbed quickly and nearly fell there as well.  I barely made it to my friend's car.  It was a huge struggle.  I do better on the computer to write but even that is becoming somewhat a challenge just to walk the few steps from my bed to the desk and do this.  I am not able to really read my Bible as too difficult so I do audio now.  

I still attempt to read what my brain will grasp hold of as the Doc said it is not eye issue but brain related and thus I am seeing a Neuropsychologist in March. I will also have a brain scan and be tested for Cognitive abilities.  I am unclear as to how that works.  And my church has committed to my care and brought in a bedside commode as now incontinent.  My room looks like a hospital room and I think to paint my bedroom door and put a number on it so everyone will know what room I am in.  (humor)   I still have seizures at times but not as pronounced, another words, convulsions. 

I am praying to move to a new location to be downstairs, and close to the church and UCI hospital and Medical Center.  I will need to obtain the okay from my Doc to bring in Home Healthcare now.  

There are blessings as someone(s) are contributing monies and remaining anonymous to add to my disability income.  I am praying for a financial blessing to move into independent/assisted living place that is in my area I live. I know God is able and I trust Him. Otherwise use continued home care and help from the church.  

Finally, for your fun, the Doc I saw brought in a Scribe.  I said, "Huh, a Scribe? Really?"  That as all I needed as I started to chuckle.  The Doc left for a minute and I asked the Scribe, "Are there any Pharisees out there employed here? Or any Sadducees?"  He didn't get it.  When the Doc came in I told her what I asked and she laughed.  She explained to the Scribe my humor and I told them just cuz my body doesn't operate right, doesn't mean my wit is not working.  I am always trouble.

Thanks, Doves family.

Patty Hayes