God has an alternative PURCHASE PLAN of salvation for the left-behind Gentiles, WHO DID NOT ACCEPT His plan of FREE SALVATION by GRACE before the rapture of His Body of Christ Church as spoken of in :
Revelation 3:18 ( Jesus speaking )
"I counsel thee to BUY OF ME ( purchase from Me ) gold ( salvation ) tried in the fire that thou may be rich, and in white raiment thou may be clothed, and the shame of thy nakedness does not appear, and anoint thine eyes with eye salve that thou may see."
What follows is God's required, step-by-step, alternate PURCHASE PLAN of salvation after the rapture for the LEFT-BEHIND Gentiles so that they can "BUY" their salvation from Him IF they can SURVIVE the following requirements :
1. First, they "receive a strong delusion from God to believe the lie" after the rapture according to : 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
2. Next, they must survive the worldwide great tribulation without receiving "the mark of the beast" according to : Revelation 19:20
3. Next, they must stand before the Lord at the Sheep and Goat Judgment after the great tribulation, and be judged as sheep according to : Matthew 25:31-34
4. Then, those few left-behind Gentiles who have survived to this point are told by the Lord the following :
Matthew 25:46
"And these ( goats ) shall go away into everlasting punishment , BUT THE RIGHTEOUS ( sheep ) INTO LIFE ETERNAL."
Those few left-behind Gentiles who are judged as sheep will enter into the Lord’s one-thousand-year Kingdom on earth in their flesh and blood bodies, but they are not part of the Body of Christ. Only those who are raptured are members of the Body of Christ.
According to Your Word, come Lord Jesus !