Fay (5 Jan 2020)
"Re 1 Cor: 10-31 question"

Hi there,

Your post (linked below) probably resonated with most of us. Watching and waiting so intently for our LORD's return, diverts us from worldly things. It consumes us. It hasn't stopped us from being good Mothers/Fathers/Wives etc., but it has sort of cut us off from the world. It is a very lonely calling. BUT - brings you so very close to the LORD.

Don't regret a single moment. It's not like you had much choice anyway! Lol. Your calling is your calling. Your desire to answer it so strongly, came from the love of Almighty God. He PULLS us toward Him like a magnet. It's futile to resist *BIG SMILE*.

Don't let anyone or anything steal your crown.

Blessings to you and all Doves

