Fay (26 Jan 2020)
"Monday, Monday"

When Netanyahu and Gantz meet with Pres. Trump in Washington re the Peace Plan. This article gives a few more details. I truly wish I had a total handle on Bible translations. i.e." While they are saying peace and safety". Does it mean to read, while they are discussing it or when they are actually declaring peace and safety? 

What other nation openly goes to Washington for permission to exist? I am not blaming Trump for this, The world have all become so used to the status quo re Israel that it has become normal for this situation to exist. The reality is that it's surreal - Bible prophecy alive. Jerusalem has indeed become a burdensome stone. And the timing is also weird.

This weekend has been the 10th Sabbath to be desecrated with state sponsored "free transport".

Gantz accepts Trump invitation, opts for private meeting without Netanyahu