Fay (26 Jan 2020)
""Have you come to take a Spoil?""

A very short video clip in the link provided. Quoting the narrator, "This is not going to end well". I believe we are looking at a major catalyst for the coming Ezekiel war. As an aside - I honestly don't see how Pres. Trump's "peace plan" could possibly work, given the fractious conditions in the Middle East.

Steve Cioccolanti released a short video clip a couple of weeks ago, where he is convinced that Daniel 8 refers to a coming war between Turkey and Iran. Hey - anything could happen! But, I take Daniel 8 to mean what it says and it says, "The King of Greece". It cannot be clearer. This article has the feel of Daniel 8 coming to life. Daniel 8 is very much about "the times of the end" as it specifically states.

Turkey, Greece brace for standoff over Cyprus gas drilling plans

Bible Gateway passage: Daniel 8 - New International Version