Diane Aguilera (12 Jan 2020)
"Reply to A Goodrick regarding forced vaccinations"

Dear A Goodrick,

 I did not get to respond to say THANK YOU for your beautiful faith-filled reply to my children being forced by the government to take 11 vaccinations in one month.

 One particular scripture you mentioned has been a favorite of mine and did come to my mind about Paul being bitten by the snake and not dying!  So I thank you for the confirmation!!

I just was so horrified and devastated for unnecessarily having to put my kids through this (and not even myself) that at that moment I saw despair and really needed the reinforcement of God’s promises.  I thank you for reading and caring so much to formulate that email with all the references.  Thankfully I saved your response because I was unable to find it on the website again and have also sent it to my two girls (my third child has Down Syndrome, a beautiful soul, but that he is weaker this assault on him was an extra level of devastation to me).      

Thank you and God bless you!

 Diane A