Chance (26 Jan 2020)
"The Coronavirus Outbreak"

Hello John and Doves,

To date, China has imposed a travel ban on 18 cities!   This is absolutely unprecedented!  This affects some 60 million people!  Chinese cities have cancelled their Lunar New Year celebrations. All of this in an effort to contain this rapidly spreading virus.  The epicenter of this outbreak is Wuhan, China - with a population of 11 million people.  (By comparison, Florida has 25 million people - imagine shutting down public transportation for everyone in Florida!  Barricading the roads.  And not letting anyone leave.  What a nightmare!)

This is being called an emerging, rapidly evolving situation.

This coronavirus is able to transfer from person to person and there are infected people that show no symptoms and it can take two weeks or so for symptoms to show up and the source of the infection is unknown and could still be active.  The perfect storm.  (Checking temperatures of people on specific flights is certainly only a band-aid in preventing the spread.  Any infected people on an airplane would have infected the plane and probably numerous fellow passengers.)

Already this virus has been confirmed in people the United States.  There are some 63  patients in 22 states that are under CDC investigation now.

Today, January 25, the US State Dept is evacuating AMCITS (American citizens) from Wuhan, arranging charter flights and temporarily closing the consulate there.

So, is this just another 'naturally' emerging virus from China or did something happen?

China built a Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4) laboratory in Wuhan, China; it was certified in January 2017 by the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment; it was then approved by the Ministry of Health some months later.  This is the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory in Wuhan, China - the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak.

Scientists outside of China have expressed concern about pathogens escaping from this facility.

From the Nature article linked below:  Having a BSL-4 lab " will offer more opportunities for Chinese researchers, and our contribution on the BSL-4-level pathogens will benefit the world," said George Gao, the director of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Laboratory of Pathogenic Microbiology and Immunology, Beijing.....

But worries surround the Chinese lab too.  The SARS virus has escaped from the high-level containment facilities in Beijing multiple times, notes Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University in Piscataway, New Jersey.  Tim Trevan, founder of CHROME Biosafety and Biosecurity Consulting in Damascus, Maryland, says that an open culture is important to keeping BSL-4 labs safe, and he questions how easy this will be in China, where society emphasizes hierarchy.  "Diversity of viewpoint, flat structures where everyone feels free to speak up and openness of information are important," he says.

The plan to expand into a network heightens such concerns.  One BSL-4 in Harbin (China) is already awaiting accreditation; the next two are expected to be in Beijing and Kunming (China), the latter focused on using monkey models to study disease... Chinese researchers face less red tape than those in the West when it comes to research on primates...if you want to test vaccines or antivirals, you need a non-human primate model"....

But Ebright is not convinced of the need for more than one BSL-4 lab in mainland China....governments will assume that such excess capacity is for the potential development of bioweapons.  "These facilities are inherently dual use," he says.   (For research on vaccines/antivirals and the development and production of bioweapons.)
Inside the Chinese lab poised to study world's most dangerous pathogens : Nature News & Comment

What is a BSL-4 lab?  "BSL-4 labs are rare.  However some do exist in a small number of places in the US and around the world.  As the highest level of biological safety, a BSL-4 lab consists of work with highly dangerous and exotic microbes.  Infections caused by these types of microbes are frequently fatal, and come without treatment of vaccines.
Biosafety Levels 1, 2, 3 & 4 | What's The Difference?

What is China's lab studying?  (That is known anyway.)  The most high-risk pathogens, including BSL-4 Ebola, BSL-4 West African Lassa virus and the BSL-3 SARS viruses, BSL-3 tick-borne virus that causes Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever.  "Scientists warned in 2017 that a SARS-like virus could escape a lab set up that year in Wuhan, China, to study some of the most dangerous pathogens in the world."
AwesomeCapital: China built Wuhan lab to study SARS, Ebola; experts warned of virus ‘escape’

Many do not trust the Chinese government.  Just last year a Chinese researcher and her students were escorted from the National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg.  This is Canada's only BSL-4 lab.  Their security access was revoked and this researcher's regular trips to China were being denied before she was escorted from the facility and placed on an indeterminate time of leave.
Chinese researcher escorted from infectious disease lab amid RCMP investigation | CBC News

Also, "One of the biggest national security threats in the U.S.-China trade war could be the everyday medicines taken by millions of American.s...Antibiotics, over-the-counter pain meds.. - a lot of it is imported from China.  But the U.S. is woefully unprepared to address even minor disruptions in the supply of these drugs.  "Medicines can be used as a weapon of war against the United States,"  Rosemary Gibson, a senior adviser on health care issues at the bioethics-focused Hastings Center...told Lawmakers last month. "Supplies can be withheld.  Medicines can be made with lethal contaminants or sold without any read medicine in them, rendering them ineffective."  ...China hopes of surpassing the United States as the world's biggest producer of pharmaceutical products. Last year, China accounted for 95 percent of U.S. imports of ibuprofen, 91 percent of U.S. imports of hydrocortisone, 70 percent of U.S. imports of acetaminophen, 40 to 45 percent of U.S. imports of penicillin and 40 percent of U.S. imports of heparin, according to Commerce Department data.  In all, 80 percent of the U.S. supply of antibiotics are made in China."
U.S. policymakers worry about China 'weaponizing' drug exports - POLITICO

So what are other places has this coronavirus been confirmed/identified?  Japan, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Vietnam, Nepal, Malaysia, France, Australia, Thailand, and the United States.  Possibly Portugal will be added to the list.  What is being done to stop the spread of this?  Hong Kong is reportedly shutting down its schools until February 17.  All transportation services in and out of Beijing will be suspended tomorrow - Jan 26.  Screening (temperature-taking) is being conducted at O'Hare, John F. Kennedy, Hartsfield-Jackson, Los Angeles and San Francisco International Airports.  Internationally, the measures to stop the spread of this are slim.  Most are hoping China can 'deal with this.'

Even the Chinese are concerned that the Chinese government isn't telling them the truth about this virus - "
"Residents of Wuhan report empty shelves in stores and express frustration that the government isn't telling them the full story...The extreme measures were accompanied by other indications that Communist Party authorities were struggling to control the outbreak, notably the aggressive censorship of any criticism or skepticism on social media."...WHO Director General Tedros Ghebreyesus said at a news conference.. the emergency committee was divided on whether the outbreak deserves the special designation ("a public health emergency of international concern")., but said regardless, the outbreak amounts to "an emergency in China.  "It has not yet become a global health emergency, but it may become one."
Chinese cities cancel New Year celebrations, travel ban widens in effort to stop coronavirus outbreak - SFGate

"Coronavirus:  Fears rise of Chinese cover-up as 56 million in lockdown and hospitals overwhelmed.:  Mask-wearing patients fainting in the street.  Hundreds of fearful citizens lining up cheek by jowl, as risk of infecting each other, in narrow hospital corridors as they wait to be treated by doctors in forbidding white hazmat suits.  The terrifying video clips, reportedly recorded by shocked citizens from hospitals in Wuhan, the epicentre of the deadly coronavirus that has swept across China....went viral on Chinese social media this week and did not paint a picture of a government in control.  Further raw footage showed makeshift tents in hospital carparks, as the government pledged on Friday to construct a new 1000-bed facility within just ten days to treat and contain the new virus from a similar pathogen to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). ...After weeks of apparent delays in tackling the growing health emergency that first appeared from a Wuhan seafood market, the Chinese authorities suddenly swung into action this week with the draconian lockdown not only of the city of 11 million, but also severe travel curbs on more than 17 other cities in the surrounding Hubei provine, corralling at least 56 milion people...the Global Times revealed that vital resources, including testing kits and protective gear such as masks, goggles, hats and clothing were urgently needed, reporting that 40 military doctors had been dispatched to help flagging civilian doctors.  Sophie Richardson, China director at Human Rights Watch, said that the unexpected quarantine and China's broader response to the crisis also raised real concerns about transparency."
Coronavirus: Fears rise of Chinese cover-up as 56 million in lockdown and hospitals overwhelmed

It's being reported that the Chinese Central Government is taking over the administration of Wuhan.

It's looking more and more like the world is not being told what is really happening over in China. Will this become our "Spanish Flu"?  Will this continue to spread and be a 'pestilence' of the Last Days or just a taste of what is coming in the Last Days?

Luke 21:11 "There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences.  There will be terrors and great signs from heaven."

Revelation 6:8 " And I looked, and behold, a pale horse!  and it's rider's name is Death, and Hades followed him.  And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with  sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth."

Here is a link to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention "2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)" where they are reporting their latest news updates.
2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC

And here is a link to a global map (you can scroll across the world) - the updates are slow but you can see confirmed cases by country/region. untry/regionnot
Coronavirus 2020-nCoV

Pray for the people of Wuhan.  Pray for the people of China.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!

