John B (27 Jan 2019)
"The Blood Moon of 20 January 2019"

I am sure many of you are aware that there is to be a “final blood moon” on 20 January 2019. This final blood moon appears to bring to an end a vast array of celestial happenings dating back to 2010.
I will link below a picture of these celestial events and one can only marvel at the “total picture” which is drawn by these happenings. God the master designer has demonstrated His complex symmetry in the heavens above.
I am sure many of you have speculated as to what this all means. God seems to be giving us a sign, an alert, that something is wrapping up. Could that something that is being wrapped up be the “the age of grace”. Could that “age of grace” be rapidly drawing to a close and the 7 year tribulation be soon waiting in the wings ? I believe so
My recent bible studies which I have shared wit 5Doves have definitely led me to that conclusion. I suggested in those posts that due to the information found in Psalm 119 (2019) that there is a good likelihood that the tribulation period could start as early as 1 March 2019. If this is somehow true then I believe this blood moon may also signal death.....the death of three world renown religious leaders / “shepherds” as expressed in Zechariah 11:8. If so, Zechariah 11 states that all three will be “dismissed” within a months time. My research indicates that these three shepherds are three popes. And yes there are three popes present in the world at this time.
So if we start to see popes dying or disappearing in the next few weeks.......then my conclusions / speculations drawn from all those scripture verses will have had some merit.
Blessings Doves.........John B