Garry B (27 Jan 2019)




According to the Book of Leviticus God instructed the Jews to keep a cyclical count of 7 X 7 = 49 years in the land of Israel. The Sabbatical Year, or Smita Year, is the 49th year plus 1 year which is the following 50th Jubilee Year whereby all land must return to its original owner. The 50th Jubilee Year is always the 1st year of each consecutive  49 year cycle. 


At the Second Coming of the Lord, according to Scripture, He will reclaim the earth, which He Himself originally created, back to His ownership. We can reasonably assume that the Second Coming of the Lord will occur on a 50th Jubilee Year during the yet to be fulfilled Fall Feasts of the Lord. . The following prophetic Scripture WILL BE fulfilled at His Second Coming :


Revelation 11:15

"The kingdoms of this world HAVE BECOME the kingdoms of our Lord , and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever. "


Now here is what is VERY interesting :


As a result of the Yom Kippur War during the the Fall Feasts of the Lord in October of 1973 , which was won by Israel by a miracle from God , Israel reclaimed a small piece of the Promised Land given to them by God. Israel has not reclaimed any more land since the 1973 Yom Kipper war. If October 1973 happened to be a 50th Year Jubilee, then the previous year of 1972 was the 49th Sabbatical Year or Smita Year. When we add 7 X 7 = 49 years to the year 1972 we come to the next 49th Sabbatical Year or Smita Year of 2021. When we add 1 year to the year of 2021 we come to the next 50th Jubilee Year which is 2022.


The New Moon of Tishri 1, 2022 is the yet to be fulfilled Feast of Trumps which will occur on September 26-27, 2022 which is EXACTLY 50 years to the day from the October 1973 Feast of Trumpets which was the victory for Israel Yom Kippur War.


Now we know that the Church will be raptured 3 1/2 years or 42 months or 1,260 days prior to the Second Coming of the Lord so that the Church will not suffer any of the tribulation of the wrath of Satan when he is cast down to earth 42 months prior to the Second Coming of the Lord.  When you calculate 1,260 days prior to the Feast of Trumpets Day of September 26-27, 2022 you come to EXACTLY Nisan 10, 2019 which is the Day of Palms that falls on sunset to sunset April 14-15, 2019. 


Lets all hope that 1973 was the last 50th Jubilee Year, and the next Jubilee Year is 2022, so that the rapture will happen on Nisan 10 , the Day of Palms, April 14-15, 2019. 



Come Lord Jesus !