F.M. Riley (27 Jan 2019)

U.F.O.'s   Aliens   Extra-Terrestrials
                                                                                     By Pastor F. M. Riley
                                                                                     January 14, 2019
     "And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man," Luke 17:26.
Introduction and Warning!
     This study you are about to read will be differnt than most studies you have read on this same subject.  Therefore, the modern day Sadducees, who refuse to believe in angels or spirits, or a resurrection,  [Matthew 22:23; Acts 23:8], might just as well stop reading this study right here, for my intention in writing this study,  is to deal with one of the "signs" the Lord Jesus told His disciples to "watch" for, which is commonly overlooked or ignored by most "prophecy preachers and teachers" today.  Every reader has been warned!.......
     I pose some questions for our readers who claim to believe the Bible.  Did the Lord Jesus Christ say that world conditions, just preceding His coming again, would be like it was in the days of Noah?  Did the Lord really say that?   See our text Scripture for this study, read it again, and believe what it says. Also read Matthew 24:36-39.  Yes!  The Lord did say that world conditions in these "last days" would be "as it was in the days of Noah," just preceding the flood.  He most certainly did!  
      Then in view of these statements of the Lord, why is it that almost none of the "prophecy preachers" today ever mention the "nephilim" which existed in those days?  Since the Lord Himself said that  world conditions are to be like they  were in "the days of Noah" preceding the flood, and there were  "nephilim" among mankind on the earth in those days, then shouldn't those who believe the Bible expect there to be "nephilim" on the earth among mankind today?   Well...??   
A Few Words About Satan
     Any reader who has never studied about the origin of  Satan, the arch enemy of our Lord, needs to learn a little about him.  
     The origin of Satan is set forth in God's Word in Ezekiel 28:11-19. In creating all things, God also  created all of the angelic host.  Angels, like men, are created beings, although the angels are spirits and mankind upon the earth is flesh and blood.  In the process of creation as set forth in Genesis 1:1, God also created "the anointed cherub" to be the "cherub" overshadowing the very throne of God Himself.  However, that was not satisfactory with "the anointed cherub."  He was envious of God's position, and desired to replace God as the object of worship.  So he rebelled against God, and sadly, convinced one-third of the angelic hosts to join him in his rebellion.  Bad decision!
     Today we refer to that one-third of the angels which allied themselves with "the anointed cherub" in his rebellion against God, as "fallen angels."  Then followed a war in the heavens, in which the heavens and the earth were brought into the state of ruin and chaos described in Genesis 1:2.  Satan and his fallen angels were then cast out of Heaven.    
     The "anointed cherub" was cast out of Heaven and down to the earth.  In his fury and anger at God, he then became the one we know today as Satan; the very epitome of evil.  Much more could be said about Satan, but that is not the subject matter I want to set before our readers.  Our readers should study this reference in Ezekiel 28 for themselves.  
     What I want, in even inserting this brief reference aboiut Satan into this study, is to point out that Satan is intensely jealous of God.  Satan still wants to replace  God as the object of mankind's worship and adulation, Isaiah 14:13-14.  Satan is so jealous of God, that he attempts to  copy or counterfeit everything God does.  Now here is the point of my even mentioning him in this study.   
Genesis 6
     The Lord God is the Creator of all things, John 1:1-3.  It was the Lord God who created mankind; the human race, upon the earth, Genesis 1:26-27; 2:7.  
     Satan does not have the power or knowledge to create.  Satan and his fallen angels can "manipulate" matter which has already been created, to make it appear that he created it.  However, no where does God's Word ever indicate that Satan has the power and ability to create.  Rather, because Satan is so jealous of God, and hates God so much, Satan attempts to copy or counterfeit everything God does.  
     So since God had created the human race upon the earth, Satan made the decision to bring into existence a race of his own.   Since he could not create them, he likely thought he was being very clever in using what God had created, to bring into existence a new race of beings.  The inspired account of this new race of counterfeit humans is set forth in Genesis 6:1-4.  Read this passage carefully.  
     Our readers should notice that chapter five contains the geneaology of the human race, from Adam to Noah.  Only men are listed in this geneaology, although there were daughters also being born.  But when we come to chapter six, the emphasis is placed upon those daughters, for it is women who have the physical ability to give birth.  And Satan well knew this truth.  This would be his means of bringing a new race of beings into existence on the earth.  
     So, as stated in 6:2, Satan's fallen angels saw the beauty of the women, lusted after them, and "took them wives of all which they chose.   
    In these Scriptures the fallen angels, are referred to as "sons of God."  This is obviously because God had created them, and not because of any relationship to God.  Rather, they were angels who had left their first estate to follow Satan, Jude 6-7; 2 Peter 2:4.  The language used here implies taking these women by force.  In other words, these fallen angels raped these women, causing the women to bear children.  
     The children born from these wicked sexual assaults had the fleshly appearance of mankind, but   were not true humans.  Rather, they were beings indwelt by the evil spirits of their fallen angel fathers.  And they grew to abnormal size.  The English translations of our Bible refers to them as "giants."  However, in the actual Hebrew text, the word used to describe these offspring of the fallen angels and women is "nephilim."   This Hebrew word literally means, "fallen; cast down; bully; tyrant."  Strong;s No. 5303.  
     I presume that Satan's reason for causing them to grow to "giant" size, was likely because Satan thought that mankind would be intimidated by their size, and cower in fear before them.  Mankind on the earth would then do exactly what they were told to do by the "giants."  During those "days of Noah," Satan's plan apparently worked, for God saw that, with the exception of Noah, "all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth," Genesis 6:12.  
     Before I leave the description of the "giants," these wicked offspring of fallen angels and women had bodies of flesh and blood, as received from their mothers.  Therefore they were subject to growing old,  dying, or being killed.  This is why their bodies were destroyed in the flood; they were subject to death, just like humans who receive their flesh and blood body from their mothers.     
     Now before some of our readers dismiss the very idea of women being raped by spirits, and producing offspring which are not true humans,, let me assure our readers  that this is not just my theory or opinion.  Such did happen back then, and it is happening today.  
     Over the past thirty or forty years, I have read and received report after report, of women claiming  to have been sexually assaulted  [raped] by spirits.  In some of the reports, the women said they were sound asleep when they awakened, being violated by someone or something on top of them.  The women claimed they could actually feel  the spirit on them, and feel themselves  being violated, although they could see no one or nothing.  Some of these women then gave birth to children nine months later, children rebellious and evil almost from the day of their birth.  Some of these evil offspring are living in the world today as I write.  
     Dear readers, if one or even two women had come up with such a story, I myself would have dismissed it as them having watched too much "science fiction" on TV, or telling some wild tale to get attention.    But there have been dozens of such reports over the past thirty or more  years, from many different women living in different countries all over the earth.  Are all of these women lying about being raped by spirits, or is this just a fulfillment of the words of the Lord Jesus Himself, "And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man," Luke 17:26-27; Matthew 24:37-39.   I know the Lord didn't lie when He made this statement.  There are "nephilim" living upon the earth among mankind today.
     While the "nephilim" in the "days of Noah" were beings of "giant" stature, those living today look just like ordinary people.  Satan is very clever.  From the failed experience in "the days of Noah," Satan likely decided to make his "nephilim" look like ordinary humans, so they could better infiltrate the human race.  And they sure have!  
     I haven't the slightest idea how to identify a person living today, as a "nephilim," and therefore make no claim to being able to do so.  But there have been a number of men who have rose up during the last century, and this present one,  who sure appear to fit the pattern.  
     I would suggest Adolph Hitler, who delighted himself in killing six million Jews in his wicked concentration camps during the Second World War.  Also, could it be that Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin were "nephilim?"  They seem to have taken delight in putting to death  millions of their own Russian people who dared to oppose them.  
      I do not know how to identify the "nephilim" living among us today, and make no claim that I do.  But I know they are living among mankind today, because the Lord Jesus Himself said that these last days would be a repetition of "the days of Noah."  Hello!     
Evidence of Their Presence
     How many of our readers have ever heard, or perhaps even seen, UFO's?   
     The year was 1947.  Three highly signifcant events happened that year.
     1947 was the year the United Nations voted to end the British Mandate over the Holy Land.  The ancient homeland of the Jewish people had been placed  under the control of Great Britain after the end of the First World War in 1917.  The holy land was placed under British Mandate by the old League of Nations.  Then the successor of the League of Nations, the UN or United Nations,  voted  in 1947 to allow the Jewish people scattered all over the world to return to their ancient homeland and re-establish their own country again, which they did the very next year on May 14, 1948.  This vote in the U.N. occurred on August 31, 1947, exactly fifty years to the day after Theodor Herzel told the First Jewish Congress in 1897, that within fifty years the Jews would have a country of their own again.          
      Now don't any reader bother themselves trying to convince me that the Lord God of Heaven is not directing the affairs of mankind on the earth, Daniel 2:20-22.  The events that led up to the re-establishment of the modern nation of Israel, were not just "coincidence."  
     1947 was also the year that the first "flying saucers" [U.F.O.'s] began appearing in the skies all over the world.  I know this to be true, because I am an old man, and was living at that very time. I never heard a word about Flying Saucers when I was a young child growing up, and I did begin to listen to the news over our old radio at a young age.   But beginning in 1947 the newspapers everywhere began publishing accounts of Unidentified Flying Objects appearing in the skies.   And no one, including the government and the military, had the foggiest idea what they were.   Such U.F.O.'s have been appearing in the skies ever since then.   Now why did these objects begin to appear, right about the same time the nation of Israel was restored?   Think about it!  
     1947 was also the year when a U.F.O. "supposedly" crashed just north of Roswell, New Mexico.  I have personally driven by the site, just off Highway 285  a number of times, but I never visited the exact crash site.  Knowing what I know about this subject, I have had no desire to visit where evil spirits might still be lurking.
      Some readers may know, and some may not be aware, that a body was recovered from that crash.  The body was not human.  The authorities brought that body into Roswell, taking it to a funeral home to have the body encased in a thermo airtight container, in order to preserve the body until it could be transported to some top secret location to be examined by military doctors.  I have personally heard an interview with the mortician in Roswell who prepared the body of the "non human" creature to be transported.  That mortician was just as amazed at that body as any normal person would have been.     
     I will tell our readers that I believe the so-called crash of the UFO near Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947 was "staged" by Satan and his fallen angels, in order to make direct contact with mankind.  For that was definitely the result that came from that supposed "crash."
The Aftermath
      The U.S. military carefully gathered up every little piece of that UFO and took it to wherever [?] they chose to examine it.  Then later the military took selected pieces of the UFO to different companies here in America to do research on.  Much of our modern technology today is a result of what was discovered in researching the pieces of that UFO.  
     But it didn't stop there.......
     By "reverse engineering" of that UFO, our U.S. military, under top secret circumstances, was able to actually build a UFO.  Since 1947, according to reports "leaked out" from time to time, the American military has manufactured many of these UFO's.   For example.......
     Several years ago I read the testimony of a Christian believer, who had been a high ranking officer in the American air force.  He claimed to have been assigned to work in the most top secret military base in America; Area 57, located far out in the desert in Nevada.  After weeks of being examined, he was given a "top secret" security classification, and then flown to his new assignment.   He said that when his plane landed on the air strip out in the middle of the Nevada desert, there were UFO's ["flying saucers"] sitting lined up on both sides of the air strip.  This was about all the information he released, due to his fear of retaliation against himself or his family.
     I have since received a number of reports from other sources, that our government is now in direct contact with UFO occupants which are not humans.  The title given to them is "aliens" or "extra-terrestrials."  The reports also state that they have told our government that they are from far distant planets, and that they have come to our planet to help us achieve a greater degree of technology and a better life.  Sick!  
     Now in just the last few days announcements have been made on public television that a new movie, "The Roswell Incident" is about to be released in theaters all over this country.  Some of the reports of this release have also said, that following the release of the movie, our government will make a public statement [admission] about being in contact, for some time, with "extra-terrestrials" from other planets far out in space.  
     Ho boy!  Hold your hats and get set for the ride!  I don't think what is coming in the very near future is going to be the least bit beneficial, or a blessing, to this nation, or to any nation or people on earth.
Back to the Giants
     Also over the past century, there has been discovery after discovery, by archeologists of the bones of "giant" skeletons, which resemble men.  Though I am not sure about the exact date, I think it was in 2016 that an archeologist digging in the super dry desert in Utah, found the bones and skull of a "giant."  The news media took photos and showed the discovery on some TV news channels.  I saw it myself!  The bones were big enough, but the skull of that creature was as big as a bushel basket.  
     Now this brings us to the subject I have been working towards throughout this study......
     The Man of Sin
     Yes, I am speaking about the future anti-christ.  The inerrent, infallible, Word of God clearly prophesys about the end of this present dispensation and age.  The prophetic Scriptures tell us that there will be   a one-world government set up over the nations upon the whole earth, and it will ultimately be ruled by one man.  The fact that there are strong politicians in various nations that are working feverishly to establish a one-world government right now ought to tell our readers how close we are to the coming of the Lord, and the end of this present age.  
     The Bible refers to the anti-christ as "that man of sin," 2 Thessalonians 2:3, and also as the "the Son of perdition."  He obviously is labeled as the "anti-christ" due to his oppostion to anything and anyone who believes in the God of the Bible.  I hope that our readers grasp the significance of this; that he will persecute and kill anyone on the earth who will not renounce God and the Lord Jesus.  He will make Adolph Hitler, who killed six million Jews, look like an amateur.  Millions and millions of people will die under the reign of the coming "anti-christ" during the seven year tribulation period which will follow the Lord's coming to rapture His people to Heaven and to glory.  Hallelujah!    
     But this man also has one more label attached to him in God's Word.  He is called "the beast," Revelation 11:7; 13:1-4; 13:12; 13:14-15; 13:17-18; 14:9; 14:11; 15:15:2; 16:2; 16:10; 16:13; 17:3; 17::7; 17:8; 17:11-13; 17:16-17; 19:19-20; 20:4; 20:10.  If our readers will carefully count the number of times this "beast" is referred to in the Book of Revelation, they will find that God's inspired Word refers to him exactly 36 times.  Now add up all the numbers from 1 through 36 and they add up to exactly 666, which is clearly stated in God's inspired Word to be his number  in Rev. 13:18.
     Now let's look at this fellow from another point of view, which few have ever even considered.  He is plainly called a "man" in a number of places in God's Word, BEFORE he is ever referred to as "a beast."  As a "man" he is subject to death, and he will be killed, Rev. 13:10.  If our readers will carefully study about him, he comes to a position of great political power over mankind on the earth BEFORE he is assassinated, Rev. 13:14;  Zechariah 11:17.  The point I want to make here, is that he looks like a man, talks like a man, walks like a man, and is subject to death like a man.  But is he really a man?  Or is he a "nephilim" once again planted in the human race by Satan?    
     After being killed his soul or spirit will descend into "the bottomless pit."  We know this to be true, for that is the place he ascends from when his dead body is indwelt by the Spirit of Satan, causing him to live again, Rev. 13:1-5.  Due to his fleshly body, after being brought up from "the bottomless pit" [Rev. 11:7],  he will still resemble a man.  However, during the last half of the seven year Tribulation, he will wear a patch over his right eye, and his right arm will be withered and useless, Zechariah 11:17.  
     No!  Satan will not heal him, for Satan has no genuine power to heal anyone.  Some of his followers today [witches, wizards, sorcerers, black magic, etc.] may pretend they have healing powers, but don't be deceived.  The Lord Jesus Himself warned us that the followers of Satan would "shew great signs and wonders: insomuch that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." Matthew 24:24.  Don't allow yourself to be deceived.  
     Due to having been assassinated by one or more Jewish people, when the anti-christ comes up from the "bottomless pit," he will have a burning hatred towards the Jewish people, and will do everything he can do to wipe every living Jew off the face of the earth.  But our God will protect them in a special place, just as He is going to rescue and protect us New Covenant believers.  Glory to God!  
     Now I want to lay out a scenario for our readers that most have never considered.   
     We know that the Lord Jesus Christ was born of a woman; the virgin Mary, being caused to conceive in her womb by the Holy Spirit of God, and give birth to "the Son of God," Luke 1::26-35; Isaiah 7:14.  
     Now since Satan is jealous of God, and tries to counterfeit everything God does, then is it unreasonable to believe that Satan would come upon some woman, cause her to conceive in her womb,  and bring forth  a "nephilim" destined to be the anti-christ; the "son of perdition," 2 Thessalonians 2:3?  How about it?   Seems quite reasonable to me!  
      And if that is what happened then the anti-christ has likely already been born, lives among mankind today, is likely serving right now as one of the unbelieving world's powerful politicians, and is just waiting for his opportunity to seize the reins of power and become ruler of the whole unbelieving lost world.  
     Right now I could name a half dozen powerful political "men" in the world who very well may turn out to be the prophesied anti-christ.  Check out the world's politicians for yourself.  Use the inspired formula set forth in Revelation 13:18 to check out various politicans for yourself.  When you find one (or more) whose name adds up to 666, then keep an eye on that person.  
      But let me caution our readers.  We who are true believers are looking for Christ Jesus, our Savior and Lord.  We are not looking for Satan's man; the anti-christ.  So don't spend a lot of time trying to identify the anti-christ.  And don't get real dogmatic when you find a powerful political figure whose name fits the count.  Just be aware that some do, and many don't!   
     May our precious Lord God add His blessings to this study.  
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Signs in the Heavens
     Read the words of the Lord Jesus in Luke 21:25-26.
     There are have already been four "blood moons."  Now three more are coming over these first three months of this year.  
     The first one is coming on this Sunday, January 20th.
     The second one is coming on February 19th.  (My 85th birthday),
     The third one is coming on March 21st.  (The first day of Spring)  
     This will make seven blood moons we have seen, the Bible number signifying "completeness; to completer or fulfill."  Now turn and read
again Song of Solomon 2:8-13.  Are you ready?
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     My personal contact information:
POSTAL.......Pastor F. M. Riley, 14275 Co. Rd. 8120, Rolla, MO 65401
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