Fay (27 Jan 2019)
"Synchronicity - V Weird"

Don't you find it strange that there are so many parallels going on with Israel's situation and the big western powers? Particularly the USA.

Bibi Netanyahu is being hounded by political opponents. They accuse him of corruption and would like to topple him. Insert President Donald Trump's name in front of the same sentence!!

Israel is under constant threat of her borders being breached. The USA's southern border.... ditto.

In the UK, Theresa May is struggling for her political life. We voted Brexit because of the influx of Islam into our country. THIS is the THE most important reason why we voted OUT. Israel has been trying to repel the destructive forces of Islam since her inception.

The European Union is in turmoil ..... primarily because they are determined to flood Europe with Islam. The invasion is ongoing.

Our world is in distress because it's beyond time that we all stop dwelling carelessly in the Isles. Not caring about Jerusalem. Not obeying God's exhortation to bless Jerusalem. To pray for her. To protect her. With all our might. Therefore, the world is getting a taste of what Israel has dealt with for years now.

The devil has made some big moves. Our beloved LORD Jesus is about to make an even bigger one! The time for choices is rapidly coming to a close. If that choice has not been made....Woe. Each person has to make their choice for Jesus now. Take a stand. Because when the plop hits the fan, the choice is no longer yours to make.

Praying for Israel. Almighty God's land and His people. Praying for the peace of Jerusalem. Almighty God's will be done. Praying for the soon return of our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ. Please Father God, let it be so.

In Jesus' beloved Name we pray.