Doug L (27 Jan 2019)
"Why America's church is DEAD."

The Enlightenment of the eighteenth century (The denial of the supernatural spirit realm (prophecy and miracles), God's personal dealings with men (regarding sin and redemption) and the deity of Jesus Christ - as Savior) can be seen in the defeat of the church as we know it today.
A church governed by the will and reason of men rather than by the will of God and governed by The Holy Spirit. Churches now exalt reason over revelation where the people submit to the teachings and authority of men without seeking for themselves to see if these things are true. Today the controlling world viewpoint of life is pagan and anti-Christian.

Revelation 18:4
Then I heard another voice from heaven say: "'Come out of her, my people,' so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues;

Revelation 3:1-6

“I know all the things you do, and that you have a reputation for being alive—but you are dead. 2Wake up! Strengthen what little remains, for even what is left is almost dead. I find that your actions do not meet the requirements of my God. 3Go back to what you heard and believed at first; hold to it firmly. Repent and turn to me again. If you don’t wake up, I will come to you suddenly, as unexpected as a thief.

4“Yet there are some in the church in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes with evil. They will walk with me in white, for they are worthy. 5All who are victorious will be clothed in white. I will never erase their names from the Book of Life, but I will announce before my Father and his angels that they are mine.

6“Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches.