Chance (27 Jan 2019)
"The Coming Peace Plan To Be Revealed After April 9, 2019 (Nissan 4)"

 Hello John and Doves,

Well, it looks like the long-awaited 'peace plan' will be revealed "immediately" after the Israeli elections, April 9, per our Secretary of State Pompeo.  The U.S. may be expecting Netanyahu to win again.

April 9th is the 4th day of Nissan.  Nissan 10 is a high watch date for many of us. 


Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!



TEL AVIV – Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Tuesday that the rollout of the Trump administration’s much-anticipated peace plan will begin “immediately following” Israeli elections on April 9 and that certain aspects of the proposal have already been discussed with regional partners. 

The proposal, Pompeo said via satellite to the World Economic Forum in Davos, “won’t be a U.S.-driven process. Ultimately, the Israelis and the Palestinians will have to come to an agreement. But we think that the foundations that we have laid and the work that we’ll do immediately following the Israeli elections will set conditions where we can have a constructive conversation.”

The White House has “been working on this for a long time,” he added. “Mr. [Jared] Kushner has been in the lead along with Jason Greenblatt in developing our program.”

The senior diplomat also said, “we’ve begun to share elements of this across the region.”

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict “has troubled the region for decades and decades now. It seems to me that we’re at a point in time where there are ways that we can resolve the primary differences and encourage those two places, the Israelis and the Palestinians, to come together to resolve their differences and get a solution there that has bedeviled the world for an awfully long time,” he stated. 

Last Thursday, Israel’s Channel 13 news reported that the peace plan stipulates a Palestinian state with its capital located in “most of the Arab neighborhoods” of eastern Jerusalem. The Palestinian state would comprise 85-90% of the West Bank and the proposal would include land swaps, with the major settlement blocs annexed to Israel.

The U.S. flatly denied the report, saying, “As in the past, speculations regarding the peace plan are inaccurate. We have no further reaction.”

Pompeo: US peace plan efforts to begin 'immediately' after Israeli elections

US President Donald Trump’s long awaited Middle East peace plan efforts will begin “immediately” following the Israeli elections, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Tuesday.  

"We’ve been working on this for a long time. Mr. (Jared) Kushner has been in the lead along with Jason Greenblatt in developing our program. We’ve begun to share elements of this across the region. It won’t be a US-driven process,” Pompeo said.

Trump has made forging the “deal of the century” and ending the decades-long Israeli-Palestinian conflict a cornerstone of his administration’s foreign policy agenda, tasking his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner and Greenblatt with reviving stalled peace negotiations between the two sides.

“Ultimately, the Israelis and the Palestinians will have to come to an agreement. But we think that the foundations that we have laid and the work that we’ll do immediately following the Israeli elections will set conditions where we can have a constructive conversation,” Pompeo continued.