Chance (27 Jan 2019)
"John B and Letter to Five Doves 13 Jan 2019"


Hello John B, John and Five Doves,

re: Five Doves Letter 13 Jan 2019 John B "Psalm 119 and how it just revealed the timeline and roadmap of the final 7 years....starting 1 March 2019".

John B, I have a question about your date calculations, please. 

How do you get from March 1, 2019 to June 1, 2022?  That's not 1260 days.  That's 1188 days.

(March 1, 2019 plus 1260 days is August 12, 2022.)

And from June 1, 2022 to Sept 1, 2025 is only 1188 days also.

So your Tribulation period is only 1188 days plus 1188 days or 2,376 total days...not 1260 days plus 1260 days or 2,520 total days.  ??

(March 1, 2019 plus 7 prophetic years of 360 days each = January 23, 2026.)

I apologize if I'm missing something.  But I don't get it.  If you've explained this in a previous letter, please do pardon me - I missed it.

Thanks.  I do enjoy reading your letters.

I remember JR Church of "Prophecy in the News" writing about the prophetic chapters in the Psalms.  Very interesting.   December 7, 2012  He also has a book "Hidden Prophecies in the Psalms" you might find applicable to your studies.


Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
