In my previous post I had written: From the Winter Solstice on 22 December 1999 to the first blood moon on the tetrad of eclipses on 15 April 2014 was 5229 days. From 2 October 2016 to the first blood moon of the trinity of blood moon eclipses on 31 January 2018 was 486 days. 5229 plus 486 equals: 5 x 1143. 1143 is the sum of the ASCII codes for 'Jesus Christ'. The totality of the lunar eclipse on 20 January 2019 ended at 11:43 PM central time in the United States.
I discovered the following while the eclipse was happening:
20 January 2019 11:43 PM central time in the United States plus 1143 hours will be 9 March 2019 02:43 PM central time. 9 March 2019 will be the 888th day of the current 305th Jewish calendar cycle. 888 is the gematria of 'JESUS'. 9 March 2019 02:43 PM central time plus 5 (number for 'grace') additional minutes will be the 888th minute of 9 March 2019.
9 March 2019 will be 3700 days since Obama's first day in office on 20 January 2009. 3700 is the gematria of the 12 tribe names on the Breastplate.
9 March 2019 will be 7777 days since the 34th anniversary of JFK's assassination (22 November 1997).
9 March 2019 will be the 181st day of 5779. 181 is the sixth Star of David number.
9 March 2019 will be 5,888 days since Homeland Security began operations on 24 January 2003.
In the 'YY.M.D' sequence 9 March 2019 would be: '19.3.9'. WW2 began in 1939.