Bob Ware (27 Jan 2019)
"Tilt of Earth's Axis, 'Jesus Christ' gematrias, Partition of Israel and 29 January 2019 connected"

Over a period of an estimated 25,772 years the Earth rotates off its vertical axis in the range of 22.1 to 24.5 degrees. This is known as the precession of the stars. This tilt of the Earth on its axis creates the four seasons. The tilt of Earth's axis on 25 January 2019 was 23.4368 degrees: .


713 is the sum of the first 22 prime numbers including Unity. 713 is also the prime number gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST' as derived from its Greek spelling. When 713 is the diameter of a circle then the pie-shaped area marked off by and arc of 23.4 degrees equals the 25,993.5 days from the Partition of Israel on 29 November 1947 to 29 January 2019. From the earthquake and nuclear disaster in Japan on 11 March 2011 to 29 January 2019 will be 2882 inclusive days. 2882 is the sum of the two sets of three prime numbers that make up my 'Prime Cross'. 2882 = 2 x 1441. 1441 is the sixteenth Star of David number and the 1441st day of the last Jewish calendar cycle was 11 September 2001.

The day that Israel declared its independence (14 May 1948) plus 25,993.5 days will be 15 July 2019. The area of a 5 degree segment of this circle + 234 equals: 5779.


The exact midpoint between 22.1 and 24.5 degrees is 23.3 degrees. When the arc is 23.3 degrees then the area of the pie-shaped segment equals the 25,842 days from 14 May 1948 to 12 February 2019 (the 210th anniversary of Lincoln's birth on 12 February 1809).


The perimeter of the square within this circle, with a diameter equal to the prime number gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST' (713), rounds up to 2017. The 2017th composite number is the Greek gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST' (2368).


The sum of two sides of the square x Pi equals the Greek gematria of 'LORD JESUS CHRIST' (3168).