Gary Rich (7 Jan 2018)
"Sermon on the Mount - for 2018"


I believe one of the most well-known bible stories is from Matthew 5: 1-10 ,  when Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount . Eight times He mentioned people who would be "Blessed" because of certain behavior traits they lived by. Being as we have begun the New Year of 2018 , this Sermon on the Mount - given 2,000 years ago , can apply as much to our lives today as it did back then

I have listed the eight blessings and my own modern translation for today's world :

1. Blessed are the poor in spirit ,for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven : beggars & homeless in God's soup kitchen
2. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted            : human beings / here I am - I'm a sinner
3. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth                     : a humble heart walking in grace

4. Blessed are those who hunger & thirst for righteousness , they shall be filled
    : hungry & starving souls who know the difference between a TV dinner and a lavish buffet feast

5. Blessed are the merciful , for they shall obtain mercy  : the gift of forgiveness & mercy we have experienced in our lives - will we also pass the same on to others / thus reflecting God's grace & love

6. Blessed are the pure in heart , for they shall see God  :  living our earthly lives in such a way as to put a big smile on the face of our Lord & Savior

7. Blessed are the peacemakers , for they shall be called sons of God  :  will we bring peace & hope in our daily travels , so those around us will see the light of God shining thru us

8. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake , for theirs is the kingdom of heaven  : can we keep our eyes on heaven , while walking through daily trials & tribulations on earth

We are but traveling pilgrims , on a journey to the promised land. The road ahead is filled with potholes of distractions, steep hills of worry to climb and forks in the road to lead us in all the wrong directions. But this I know - if we keep ourselves focused on the Creator , He will help us get to the promised land. Trust Him, believe in Him , and let Him guide your life and you will make it. By the way - you know Him - his name is Jesus Christ !

have a blessed day,  Gary  Rich