Frank Molver (21 Jan 2018)
"Reset timing, God Trumps with curve ball"


Well, like many of you I thought we would be much closer by now.
But as I saw a couple prophecies actually coming to fruition I realize God has a different time line than some of ours.
That would be the prophecies of Mark Taylor and Kim Clemment re Trump.
I was amazed to see him win and am comforted that these prophecies actually state he will be successful  after much infighting for a couple of years, being one year in there should be light soon. He has and will turn back the agenda of the socialists and globalists who want to snuff out the voices of the Christians.
So it could be another 8 years and a chance for Christians to have a voice and make a difference before the light goes dark.
Don't worry, hang in there and make a difference.