Fay (7 Jan 2018)
"Joel 2"

Linked below. This is a profound chapter in scripture. What strikes me is that the bride comes out of her closet - following the bridegroom. This is all about the Day of the Lord. It's obviously after the rapture. What is intriguing is the behavior of the marauding horde who "come like a cloud". They sound robotic. Either machines or are humans with advanced exo skeletons - enabling them to perform almost superhuman feats. Staying in formation and never stumbling etc. Let's face it - we are not told about all the advances in technology. I vividly recall seeing a version of an iPad on Star Trek when I was a small child. It was already conceived years before it was made available to the general public. Who the heck knows what the powers that be have in their back rooms?

I still maintain - and I have prayed hard for clarity and understanding - that things will happen very quickly and that time itself will be suspended as per Revelation 10:6 where the angel declares that there will be no more time. Sure, people have translated this as "no more delay", in order to make sense of it. But, either way... whether it's time itself that is suspended or the angel is declaring that things are going to happen rapidly. It's not going to be a long, drawn out process. Things are going to happen quickly and without "delay" or gaps in between. Anything is possible. There will be so many supernatural, incredible things going on, that ANYTHING is possible. On top of this... the Lord informs us that He is going to shorten those days. Some have surmised that the daylight hours are going to be cut short and that the sun will go down early and rise late. Others believe that the tribulation time span is shortened in length of years or days. Our human brains cannot comprehend what is going to happen because it's all going to be incredibly supernatural. Heavenly forces that are unfamiliar to we mortals, are going to be at work. We can't figure this one out with our limited understanding. I truly believe that Satan can't either. If, as is generally believed, Satan knows scripture better than we do - the time of the end is hidden from him too. It's not clear to anybody for a very good reason.

I do wonder what was in that little book that John was told to eat. It tasted sweet in his mouth but turned his stomach. Such mysteries - mysteries that will soon be known to us.

Maranatha, LORD Jesus. Please.

Bible Gateway passage: Joel 2 - New International Version