Fay (21 Jan 2018)
"What If......?"

Babylon the Great is Islam as a whole? Encompassing all the Islamic nations in the Middle East, with Mecca as it's capital? It's a pretty sound assumption that Islam is the modern day version of Babylon. THE Anti Christ false religion? It's a Middle Eastern thing, which places it in the right prophetic place, for one. Islam is the one religion that is virulently and violently against Jews and Christians. That makes it a good contender for this title.... don't you think? Revelation 18:4 warns God's people to get out of her (Babylon) lest they share in her sins and receive of her plagues. Well... the Middle Eastern Christians are suffering under Babylon as we speak. 

Mystery Babylon, in my opinion, has to be a Middle Eastern religion. The place (Biblical lands) and the violent anti Jew/Christian views that she holds. Yes, the RC church hierarchy are, quite frankly, revolting and will receive their just rewards, but they are not "Anti Christ" in as much as they do not deny that Jesus is God. Islam denies this - emphatically. Islam places Jesus behind their Muhammad. They place Jesus as a minor prophet. Therefore, any watching, Bible believing Christian would get the hell out of dodge (any ME country aside from Israel) because the plop is about to hit the fan. Already, life is difficult enough.. living in that violent part of the world. But, if you are a Watchman - wouldn't you run for the hills... for safer ground? I know I would.... dragging my family with me.

Currently, ME and North African Christians are suffering under Babylon. I pray they heed scripture and get the hell out of Dodge. Otherwise, they will suffer. And they are. Scripture does warn.

Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 18 - New International Version