Fay (21 Jan 2018)
"Abbas said WHAT?!!"

Quoting from the article......"Abbas urged Muslims and Christians worldwide, to "defend" Jerusalem. Abbas said repeatedly that Jerusalem is a city for Muslims and Christians without mentioning the Jews".

I LOATHE it when muslims try and co-opt Christians against the Jewish people. Making out that our rights are in danger from the Jewish people, as well. That we are a team against the Jews. Aaaaargh !! The exact opposite is true. Our true, beloved friends are the Jewish people. We are grafted on to their root stock. This Abbas person has the screaming cheek to utter these lies, from one side of his mouth, while merrily condoning the slaughter of Middle East Christians with the other. Obviously Abbas is gearing up for his little tete-a-tete with the Pope of Rome. Who, as you are aware, is also against Jerusalem being declared the capital of Israel. You really can't make this stuff up. 

The devil is really baring his fangs now.

Abbas Insists Trump Chooses: Peace or War