Bob Ware (7 Jan 2017)
"UN resolution number 181 for the Partition of Israel and the rapture n umber 107 linked to 21 March 2018"

181 is the sixth Star of David number and the 43rd prime number (including Unity). Obama was the 43rd different President.
U.N. resolution number 181 for the Partition of Israel was passed on 29 November 1947 (16 Kislev 5708). 16 Kislev of 5778 fell on 4 December 2017. That was the 70th anniversary of its passing.
The fourth Blood Moon Eclipse on 28 September 2015
+ 181 days = 27 March 2016
+ 181 days = 24 September 2016
+ 181 days = 24 March 2017
+ 181 days = 21 September 2017 (Rosh Hashanah 5778)
+ 181 days = 21 March 2018. Normally the first day of spring occurs on the 21st of March.
107 is the rapture number.
The sum of all 929 Old Testament chapter numbers is 24,978. It was 24,978 days from Israel’s rebirth on 14 May 1948 to 2 October 2016. 2 October 2016 was the last day of the 304th Jewish calendar cycle. It was also the beginning of Rosh Hashanah 5777.
2 October 2016 (Rosh Hashanah 5777)
+ 107 days = 17 January 2017
+ 107 days = 4 May 2017
+ 107 days = 19 August 2017
+ 107 days = 4 December 2017 (16 Kislev 5778)
+ 107 days = 21 March 2018.
The sum of the ASCII codes for John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s middle name is 1036. He had just completed 1036 days in office before he was assassinated on 22 November 1963. From 21 March 2018 to the last day of President Trump’s first term in office (20 January 2021) will be 1036 days.
Obama was born 4 August 1961. 21 March 2018 will be 1961 days since Obama was elected to his second term on 6 November 2012.
21 March 2018  will be 6,666 inclusive days since I started numbering the last days for the Body of Christ from the Winter Solstice of the Jewish year 5760 (22 December 1999). The 5760th inclusive day was the fourth Blood Moon Eclipse on 28 September 2015.
21 March 2018 will be 1917 days from the Winter Solstice of 2012 (the Mayan date people were watching). From the starting date at the top of my 'Circle of Time' (the Winter Solstice of 2005) to the Winter Solstice of 2012 was exactly 7 years.
21 March 2018 will be 17,777 inclusive days since the moon landing on 20 July 1969.
Starting with the 8.1 Mexico earthquake on 8 September 2017 I placed the consecutive dates next to the consecutive prime numbers in my ‘Prime List’. 21 and 22 March 2018 fell next to the two consecutive prime numbers totaling 2368. 2368 is the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’. These two primes totaling 2368 are: 1181 and 1187. These two prime numbers immediately precede the prime number 1193. 1193 is the last of the first four prime numbers in row 14. These four primes are: 41, 373, 761 and 1193. They also total 2368.
I am hoping for a spring rapture, or sooner.