1 Cor 10:31 (7 Jan 2018)
"To Gino & of course anyone else who wants to read  :)"

Hi Gino,


Yes, I did read your post and my apologies for not responding.  I’d quite intended to, but I’ve actually taken a little break from mb’s for the time being, and then will follow the Lord’s guiding me as to whether I should continue posting at various places – or not.  Totally His call.  I wrestle a lot with “how” to redeem the time, as we’re told to do.  And right now, though it’s so very unlike me, I tend to be in a resting phase and yet feel it’s okay and even ordained by the Lord.


Depending on circumstances & such, some people NEED to be working and doing, and some people NEED to be resting.  The cue is I have no business trying to run my race in “your” lane, nor should you bounce over into my lane & try to run in mine.  {I don’t mean anything by this nor am I preaching to you…. I just mean a “general” you.}  But if the Lord told me to rest right now, then I would not be in obedience if I was trying to do everything else BUT that…..


We’ve had a month of roller-coaster proportions…. We had business equipment theft to the tune of approx. $20K.  And don’t have that kind of money to replace it.  It was put together over a number of years.  We nearly lost our dog…. Long story….it’s been hard seeing our “Sweetheart” turn into a “Senior” right before our eyes!!  I’m so ready for the rapture, for heaven, and super ready for death to be defeated for all time!!  It’s so difficult watching people and animals alike “age” & get frail & have to endure all the hardships that come along with it.


Plus, I’ve had some health challenges, my latest:  eyesight problems, of which I’d certainly covet your prayers!   Also that the Lord will lead me to a conservative preferably CHRISTIAN eye Dr.!  What I mean by conservative, I don’t mean politically (though that wouldn’t hurt…)  but I mean one who will listen to me & what I want & not try to shove something down my throat that I neither want nor will use.  Years ago one optometrist absolutely INSISTED I get in bifocals – kept telling him I did not want them, PERIOD!!   He refused to listen:  “at  your age, yada, yada….”  I tried them once for a very brief period of time and could not stand them!!!!  I kept taking my glasses off to read anyway.   So I went back to my singular prescription & dumped “that” doctor.  I have quite a disdain for doctors who will not listen to their patients.  So much so that it usually keeps me from going to ANY doctor!!


My MIL wears – well I think she said not only tri-focals, but is there one even past that?  Guess what?  STILL takes her glasses off to read!!  So I’m like…??  WHAT’S THE POINT then??


I also believe the Lord can heal – even down here.  Yet that healing may or may not be instantaneous.  But I believe He can heal anything, yes, even cancer.  And yet, these UNglorified bodies are intended to wear out while we’re still in them.  So there’s a “balance” in there somewhere.  And ultimately we are to rely on Him and trust in His perfect timing.


No easy thing getting older that’s for sure!  It’s not for sissies!!  Some days  I can breeze through it & other days it’s really hard on me.  I was always “FINE” with “everyone else” around me aging…. {LOL!!}   But once it started happening (and noticeably showing)  on me….. ugh!!  Different story!  I mean this in a satirical sense, and yet it sounds like plain vanity.  Maybe it is, no one WANTS to be a scrunched-up wrinkly old lady…. Esp. when remembering you had a figure once!  And could walk around without everything on your body jiggling you to death…. Could wave goodbye without your arm still bobbling 5” later …. And remembering you had beautiful hair (that didn’t have to be colored every 6 weeks!)  and your new hobby wasn’t plucking chin hairs!  {sound attractive yet?!!   😉

I try to get on that exercise bike – but thigh flab slaps me to death!!  Haha…. So after a few minutes, I give up, lean over & take a nap.  Getting older is not for sissies!!


At any rate, thanks for bearing me with while I rabbit trail all over the place {in typical old lady fashion!}


I encourage you to keep reading God’s Word!!   So many of us (hey, not finger pointing at anyone b/c I’m VERY guilty of this myself!)  like to read “about” God’s Word, and/or commentaries  or sermons online and/or people’s comments and thoughts about how soon the rapture might be, but something …. Or “someone” (adversary)  brings every imaginable excuse to mind to keep us from going directly to God’s Word!!


This will be posted on Dec. 31, I expect.  Looks like no rapture for 2017 after all.  {sound like Charlie Brown & Linus, don’t I??}  But let’s not get too lazy about 2018!!   I will not put stock in anyone’s predicted dates.  Nothing wrong IMHO with speculating about a certain frame of time or season, but NONE OF US know or can figure out the exact date.

It will be according to the Lord’s perfect timing.  We get antsy because we can so clearly see everything lining up, so we know it must be soon, but we are to keep about our lives in the meantime.  This does not mean giving up on our Blessed Hope, it just means doing what we’re told to do while keeping our Blessed Hope in front of us…. Knowing we have paradise ahead!!


Gino & others:  MARANATHA!!!


P.S.>> any prayer warriors out there?  My friend, young, apprx. 24’ish – lost her job as a nurse for a “made up reason” by her superior.  But she (the friend) was loyal, obedient, always doing what she was told.  It’s really tough b/c her income was the ONLY income for the family of 3.  And trust me, they had it PLENTY ROUGH all these years up till she got that job in the first place.  Please pray she’ll land another (decent paying) job soon!


And I do, as mentioned previously, appreciate prayers for my eyesight & also trying to rid my body of parasites (which in itself “could be” causing the sight problems!!  B/c I didn’t even have trouble w/sight till recently.  Uh boy, hardest thing in the world is giving up all the foods you love & are accustomed to!  But I’m willing if that’s what it takes to heal me.  Often times we’re expected to do our part, too!!


From John 5:  The Lord asked the man, “Do you want to be healed?”  (My own emphasis)  KJV says, “Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?”

“Rise, take up thy bed, and walk”


The Lord did NOT say:  sit there while I snap my fingers and you’ll be healed.  NOPE!!  The man with the infirmity who’d been this way for 38 years, was told & expected to follow the Lord’s commands!!  And thus…. he was healed!