Tony Ellsworth (1 Jan 2017)
"1948 & 2016 super moons & Trump"


As President of the U.S. Harry Truman helped Israel become a nation.

On January 26th, Tu B Shevat, the new year for trees an incredible sign came about in the form of a super moon. One of the first things the settlers of Israel did was to plant a tremendous amount of trees. Jesus said in Luke, behold the fig tree and all the trees...

Just before this verse Jesus said, when these things happen stand up and lift up your heads because your redemption draws nigh.

After the verse above Jesus says when they sprout leaves you can see for yourselves and know Summer is near.

70 biblical years = 25,200 days

25,124 days after Jan 26th 1948 on Nov 8th Mr Trump is miraculously elected.

25,130 days and the next supermoon occurs just 70 days short of 70 biblical years on Nov 14th.

Jan 26th 1948 + 70 biblical years = Jan 23, 2017 and President Donald Trump's first full weekday in office.

President Truman made Israel a nation.

President Trump will surely do something prophetic and significant for Israel inspite of her enemies. We shall soon see the mighty hand of the Lord at his back. Evil men shall not harm the apple of His eye.