TH (1 Jan  2017)
"E M P"


        Electro Magnetic Pulse, oooh !  we're all gonna die !  That's what "they" want us
to believe.  Months, even Years w/o electricity resulting in the deaths of Millions.
We are all familiar with the specifics of how this weapon would be delivered and the
effects it would have on the entire Nation.  Zap !  No TV,  No Net. (oh my! ) No fridge,
No phone, No lights, No heat, No Air Cond., No electric tooth brushes, what ever
shall we do ? ..take any and everything we need from our neighbors, provided they are
not armed and able to defend what is theirs. Poop outdoors ?  You gotta be kidding
me, we can't go to the bathroom outdoors, what will the neighbors think ? This whole
EMP threat is just baloney. We would know from whence such a weapon is launched,
and we have a Submarine Fleet that is impervious to EMP's. Our subs are capable
of completely destroying any country responsible within minutes of their attack.
No, ...such an attack would HAVE to be of our own doing. Something the NWO is
and has been weighing the options of for a long time. Back in the old days of the
Cold War there was an idiom floating around that sorta summed up the threat of
the Russians nuking us, "they don't want to blow up our Cadillacs, they want to
Drive them".  If you were living at that time, it kinda made sense.  We now realize,
those of us that have finally figured it out, our Corrupt Gov. needed a threat for the
Folks to be worried about so they could continue their corruption and power and
we would forgive them in exchange for "keeping us SAFE". Same thing with the
EMP "threat".  "They" don't want to RULE over an ash heap, no profit in that !  So
relax about the EMP's a red herring.  What IS the REAL THREAT are
satan's demons and his phony half-breed showing up and the World falling at his
feet in awe and wonder. the Real Threat, only it's NOT a Threat !  It's
going to HAPPEN. The question is WHEN ? Are there any "signs" ?  Yup !  I think
there could be. Their appearance would certainly take the wind out of Trump's
sails,  rendering his impact on effective changes moot. I sense (and this is just my
own thoughts) the "left" is probably begging their demonic overlords to show up
now,  before Trump puts a great many of them in jail where they belong. That could
be the reason we are seeing so many child sacrifices being carried out by these
pedophiles. They have caught the attention of the NET. crowd and they aren't going to
let go of this no matter how much the MSM tries to debunk it. GOT EM !  They
are desperate and will resort to ANYTHING to avoid Prosecution, even if it means
handing their "power" over to the demons. They stupidly think that the demons are
going to "share" their rule with them.  Heh, heh,  they think their demons "like" them
and they will get to "co-rule"....  Might be some of that, but only if they accept a DNA
change and in so doing lose any chance of Salvation. THEN....J.C. & his boys show up ! !
Wham, bam, it's OVER for them !  Now it's OUR TURN and will be for a Thousand Years !
      What our LORD has in Store for,,  ...well, we can't imagine, but we will be
          WITH  HIM   !  .....and that's the Main Thing,  isn't it ?     Are you one of HIS ?

                                                  MARANATHA !

                                                             T H