Michelle (29 Jan 2017)
"Donald Trump is RIGHT ON TIME/RAPTURE, peace and safety & Luke 17"

At first I struggled to understand why God (who sets up Kings and takes them down Daniel 2:21) would allow Donald Trump to be president in these last days.  The Lord led me to carefully study both Matthew 24 and Luke 17 regarding the "One taken and One left" issue.  Somehow I thought that things needed to look worse and worse in the world just before the church leaves the earth.  But scripture is very specific and plain stating that it must look like normal life and most of the world saying "peace and safety".  I am re-posting my study on Luke Chapter 17 regarding the timing of the rapture.  Jesus told His disciples both in the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24 and again in Luke 17 exactly what it will look like when He comes for His church.  

Why?  For one thing He said that He foretold us all things.  And another reason is so that we would not worry that we would be facing war, calamity or a global financial meltdown.  Right now it seems as if the "Restrainer" that Paul spoke about in Thessalonians is restraining until we, the church are taken out of the way.  Then, at that time, the lawless one can be revealed.  The "sudden destruction" described by Paul comes upon THEM (the earth dwellers and the Jewish unbelievers) just after a sense of "peace and safety" has been brought to the world.  Please read the scripture in Thessalonians (both books) and put that together with the Luke 17 study and see if you can see the pattern that the world will be at relative peace and safety with normal life and indifference just as a sudden destruction comes (some think this may be cosmic and/or around the fall or time of the Revelation 12 sign/speculation) just as the church is raptured (taken swiftly out of harms way).  2017 being a possible Jubilee year, the recent US election and the sign in Revelation 12 this fall....many of us long time watchers are VERY excited!

Just after explaining the rapture in Chapter 4 in 1st Thessalonians and making sure that they were not ignorant about this subject, Paul moves on to discuss the Day of the Lord:  

1 Thessalonians 5:The Day of the Lord
5 Now as to the times and the epochs, brethren, you have no need of anything to be written to you. 2 For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord [a]will come just like a thief in the night. 3 While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then [b]destruction [c]will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape. 4 But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you [d]like a thief; 5 for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness; 6 so then let us not sleep as [e]others do, but let us be alert and [f]sober. 7 For those who sleep do their sleeping at night, and those who get drunk get drunk at night. 8 But since we are of the day, let us be [g]sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet, the hope of salvation. 9 For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 who died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep, we will live together with Him. 11 Therefore [h]encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing.

Paul is letting us know that we, believers in Jesus have no need to concern ourselves with the Day of the Lord.  They, the unbelievers will not escape the coming "sudden destruction".  He tells us to encourage one another with these truths daily as the day approaches.  

Regarding the upcoming Revelation 12 sign, it is very interesting to see that the sudden destruction comes as "labor pains upon a woman" and there is no escape.  Keep watching!  


The Rapture in Luke 17

This study is intended to show, through the Word and its plain meaning to be taken at face value that the rapture of the church can be found in Luke Chapter 17.  Please read the full chapter of Luke 17 before beginning the study.

Unfortunately, too many believers and Bible translations with man-made titles look at Luke 17 as Jesus Second physical coming to the earth at the end of the age.  A very careful study of the Greek and its plain meaning proves otherwise. 

Jesus Himself explains to us exactly what it will look like just before the rapture and at the time of the rapture. 

He begins by telling His disciples that they will soon long for ONE of the Days of the Son of Man but they will not see it in their lifetime.   He then goes on to say that things will look relatively normal before the rapture of the church.  He compares the days of Noah and the days of Lot with very specific examples of everyday life when people are eating, drinking, getting married, buying, selling, planting and building homes (Greek word in Luke 17 G3618 they home-builded).  I stress the building of homes as it implies a good economy and a belief that there are many days ahead.  We also have to understand that the Rapture itself is a judgment for those who are left behind.  Just as the days of Noah and Lot, the earth dwellers had no idea that judgment was coming.  Judgment will come on all of the earth dwellers and none will escape (1 Thessalonians 5:3/Revelation 3:10).  It is s time to judge the earth, all who live in it and the time of Jacob’s trouble. 

Jesus then gives a warning for us, the Church to not hold onto this life or this world.  When we hear the sound (trumpet of God - Psalm 89:15  Blessed are the people who know the festal shout, who walk, O LORD, in the light of your face), we are not to panic and go and get our gear (Luke 17:31-32 Greek word is gear or instruments G4632).  Remember Lot’s wife.

Okay, so here we go:  One taken and One left (Remember to first put away your presuppositions and read it like a book and let the text speak for itself.  If it seems to be a mystery, then we need to go to the original language for the entire chapter and the mystery can be solved).

I think that we can all agree that Jesus spoke of the Rapture in John Chapter 14.  Well, lo and behold, it is the VERY SAME GREEK WORD used in Luke 17! 

John 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive G3880 you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.




vi Fut Pas 3 Sg



Strong's G3880 in the following manner: take (30x), receive (15x), take unto (2x), take up (2x), take away (1x).

Outline of Biblical Usage

1.         to take to, to take with one's self, to join to one's self

1.         an associate, a companion

2.         metaph.

1.         to accept or acknowledge one to be such as he professes to be

2.         not to reject, not to withhold obedience

2.         to receive something transmitted

1.         an office to be discharged

2.         to receive with the mind

1.         by oral transmission: of the authors from whom the tradition proceeds

2.         by the narrating to others, by instruction of teachers (used of disciples)



The One being “OTHER or DIFFERENT ONE” is G2087 “other”, another: i.e. one not of the same nature, form, class, of uncertain affinity, different, denotes a class in which others are distinguished

“LEFT” G863                                    

1.         to send away

1.         to bid going away or depart

1.         of a husband divorcing his wife

2.         to send forth, yield up, to expire

3.         to let go, let alone, let be

1.         to disregard

2.         to leave, to let go, to give up, to depart from, to depart from one and leave him to himself so that all mutual claims are abandoned,

1.         to go away leaving something behind

2.         to leave one by not taking him as a companion

3.         to leave on dying, leave behind one

4.         to leave so that what is left may remain, leave remaining

5.         abandon, leave destitute

Forsake, Omit, Suffer

Wow….let that soak in.  The one that is taken is taken as a companion or friend and the one left has been rejected and not taken or recognized as a companion.  Now, as to the mystery of the “vulture” and where the body is:  The disciples recognized that something would take place and wanted to know where these people would be taken.  Jesus answers them.  After digging into the Greek, it says that the living and dead will be taken into the air where the eagles fly (not vultures as some translations render).  We will get to that Greek word here shortly.

The Greek word for Body G4983 is means:

Where the BODY is G4983 is used of a (large or small) number of men closely united into one society, or family as it were; a social, ethical, mystical body, the living body, the dead body, (both men and could also include animals) the body (as a sound whole), used in a very wide application, literally or figuratively

“WHERE” G3699 in which place

Gathered Together G4863

Verse 37




vi Fut Pas 3 Pl



1.         to gather together, to gather

1.         to draw together, collect

1.         of fishes

2.         of a net in which they are caught

2.         to bring together, assemble, collect

1.         to join together, join in one (those previously separated)

2.         to gather together by convoking

3.         to be gathered i.e. come together, gather, meet

3.         to lead with one's self

1.         into one's home, i.e. to receive hospitably,

EAGLE G105 an eagle (from its wind-like flight):—eagle.

In other words, in the place where eagles take flight.  The same Greek word is used in Revelation 12:14) where the woman is given two wings of a great eagle.

Conclusion: Here would be my personal modern-day translation using the Greek language if you will: The ones taken will be taken as companions to join the Lord and gathered together in the air with our family to be taken to our Father’s house and accepted to Himself forever.

Even well respected teachers of mine such as Tommy Ice believe that the ones taken are taken into judgment at the end of the age.  But I just couldn’t accept that as his answer as it just wouldn’t sit right with me.  So I asked Father to teach me through His Holy Spirit and He led me to a quote by Clarence Larkin which states: 

A mystery is not something that cannot be known, but something that for the time being is hidden. I hand you a sealed letter. What it contains is a mystery to you. Break the seal and read the letter and it ceases to be a mystery. But you may not be able to read the letter, because it is written in a language with which you are not familiar. Learn the language and the mystery ceases. But perhaps the letter contains technical terms which you do not understand, learn their meaning and all will be plain. That is the way with the Mysteries of the Scriptures, learn to, read them by the help of their author, the Holy Spirit, and they will no longer be mystery.”


“The trouble is men are not willing to let the Scriptures say what they want to say.” Clarence Larkin

Footnote: Days of LOT

Jack Kelley

In this sense, Lot becomes a model of the Church. Paul explained that the Church would be rescued from the time of God’s Wrath on the Earth as well. They tell how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead—Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath. (1 Thes.1:9-10)

The Greek word translated “from” in verse 10 means the Church will be removed from the time or place or any relation to the coming wrath. Just like it was with Lot and the judgment of Sodom, we have to be away and safe before the End Times judgment of Earth can begin.

Maranatha and God Bless!
