Isaac S (29 Jan 2017)
"News in Numbers"


Issac Samuel (28 Jan 2017)
News in Numbers

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Just wanted to highlight some interesting numbers that I observed in news for the month of January 2017.

1. First, we know that there are 70 nations met in Paris on Janury 15, 2017 and the decision is to have a 2 state solution for Israel and Palestine as expected. But, there is no immediate action for that and the nations will work towards that goal gradually. You may read the article at . But, the interesting thing here is the jewish Psalms reading portion for the same day is Psalms 83-87. You can verify that here.
Psalms 83 is 17 from 100 and interestingly the day is 17 of the hebrew month of Tevet, 5777. More than coincidence, right? These are divine indications.

2. Israel plans to build 153 homes in restricted area. Again, the number 153 (John 21:11) has specific meaning concerning the rapture. The news article is at , , . News dated on 26 January 2017.

3. On 26 January 2017, India celebrated its 68th republic day. The number of police personnels who had been awarded medals is 777.

4. In tennis, the world number 2, Novak Djokovic, who won 6 Australian opens lost to world number 117, Denis Istomin, who entered the tournament through wild card. , 117 is the shortest and the middle psalm and ends in 17.

5. The dooms day clock advanced 30 seconds to midnight (which symbolizes world's destruction) and this is the closest it has been since 1953. Scientists maintain this clock and move it based on various factors happening in and around the world. More information on,

6. Trump blocks refugees from 7 muslim nations for 120 days. Needless to say about 7 and 120.

So, we are getting into exciting times ahead as we watch and pray and wait for the glorious appearing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Tit 2:13). Hang on, whatever the tribulations that come on your way, keep your eyes focused on the one who said "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." John 16:33. To Him be the glory, honor, majesty and praise. Amen.

Issac Samuel