Ibalog (29 Jan 2017)
"Kingdom 5777 vs 666"

Hi Family; Jesus teach us to number our days. Here we go, The number 5 is associated or Linked with Grace, Blessing and that brings to my mind 'the Blessed hope'(rapture)which goes right back to 'Grace' and Linked to the number 5. The number 7 in Scripture is used "ALL the time" when the Lord Jesus is 'fulfilling his purpose' and every issue with Jesus is of huge importants. The Three Sevens appearing together [777] speaks to me about a finished work. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are signifying a conclusion of "SOMETHING" of Great importants,and I believe it's 'the closing of this age'. The numbers [777] appearing three times is the 'Trinity' saying this is 'the perfect will of God'. The numbers 666 is the 'fraud Kingdom' of Satan, which will come to power over the 'whole earth' for 7 years. I asked the Holy Spirit what comes after the Hebrew year 5777 and I heard the numbers 666 the fraud kingdom.'Yeshua' help us if we only have a few short days left. I was asked if Jesus is coming on the Feast of 'TRUMP-PENCE'.I would watch the 'Feast of Trumpets 'for sure. We are all here in this place of time 'the Hebrew year 5777' .Do you think its a clue? I can't dismiss that it isn't. Stay away from Satan and his Kingdom by receiving *Jesus Christ* who died for you. Jesus Christ will show you great truths. [Jesus knows everything].