Gary Rich (29 Jan 2017)
"Dangerous Surrender !"

I am reading a Book called " Dangerous Surrender- What happens when you say Yes to God " It talks about turning your earthly life completely over to God. The Surrender Prayer in Ch 1 says : Will you decide to say Yes to God, even before knowing the full implications of what that Yes will mean for you ? And then be committed to faithfully follow Jesus for the rest of your life, no matter what the cost  ?

heavy question folks , saying Yes to God is a big decision . Would you really be willing to turn your life over to the Lord , no matter what He calls you to do ?  I can tell you this, if you say Yes to letting God use your life for His eternal glory - it will be the wisest decision you will ever make. And it will lead you on the wildest and most exciting God adventure you will ever have this side of eternity !!!

have a blessed day,   Gary