Fay (1 Jan 2017)
"A Profound and heartfelt post of Gratitude"


Dear John Tng,

Thank you. Thank you for providing this website - Five Doves. It is utterly unique. We have had our arguments and disagreements (between us contributors).. Tousled with the truth. Learned together. When scripture exhorted us to fellowship - I never dreamed it would be via technology. You have never tried to be "Pope John", or tried to boss us around to fit in with your own interpretation of scripture. You have always humbled yourself and allowed us to express ourselves. You have stepped in only when scripture has been obviously distorted - the Jewish people insulted beyond description. You have called a halt to many an argument. And you have done it with love. With humble pure love. No smug superiority re your own knowledge. If you have ever disagreed with something I have posted, you have addressed me personally. Gently. You never, ever publicly humiliate anyone. You explain why you are not printing my post and express your reasons - beautifully and privately. You have a beautiful soul, John Tng.

And all this before I have had a sip of champagne !!!

Happy 2017, John Tng and Doves. May our Blessed Hope be realised soon.

Your sister in Christ

Thanks Fay and the doves!

Think our toast to the Master is not far off ...

This year will be nice. :)
