Fay (1 Jan 2017)
"Confirmation in Spades"

Dear John and Doves,

Here I sit on the edge of my seat. Praying to Almighty God that our redemption draw near. That the 31st December 2016 or 1st January 2017 will have us raptured and away from all the muck and gore. I am focused on the word of young Nathan, whom Almighty God chose as a prophet for these last days. I prayed, fervently, to our LORD for confirmation that our redemption draws near. I then came across this amazing video clip. A vision seen by a young Jewish Orthodox woman. Listen carefully to her testimony. She is coming from a different angle to Nathan but it ties in with his vision perfectly. Where Nathan doesn't go into detail re "the bad things during the redemption" (because it was too distressing for him), this Jewish woman (more mature and a mother) saw the bloodshed and mayhem. This is an absolutely riveting video clip. Her words - her experience. You need to watch this. It is about 18 minutes long and covers the drama in Israel, taking place 3 hours before Messiah's return.

Our LORD Jesus is coming, brothers and sisters. I don't know the date but I do know that it's so close. We are about to go HOME.

Jewish Woman’s Emotional Retelling of Her Vision of the Three Final Hours Before Messiah