1 Cor 10:31 (1 Jan 2017)
"asking for prayer"


Sigh!  Robert’s family just will not give up.  Under direction of their father (the devil) they continually try to break into our house.  Not he/them themselves (although for years his grown daughter & wife would come around snooping, looking in windows!!)   But almost weekly he sends someone (else) by to try to do the job.  It’s only THANKS TO HEAVEN alone that they’ve been thwarted each & every time!!

I swear it’s like Ft. Knox around here with an alarm & security cameras and yet that doesn’t deter them, they keep trying.  Robert is his real name, I obviously cannot tell you his last name, otherwise it’d be like telling the world who I am & where we live.  NOT WISE to advertise that in today’s world!!  Obviously anybody can read online.

So my request to you reading this is to please ask the Lord to not allow Robert and/or his cohort workers to succeed in breaking in!!  To totally prevent it.   We have nothing of monetary value other than computer & TV…. but most Americans have that. 

I really think he wants in as a way of saying “up yours” as he & my husband got into it years ago….. actually it was a mutual breakup in a Christian band.  My husband went on & stayed with it & became recognizable to a few people (worldwide attention, NO, of course not  WHEW, thankful for that!)  But in a few people’s eyes just regionally, he became successful just simply b/c he stayed with it & has been in the limelight just a little here & there. My husband is a good guy, and by no means an attention grabber.  He’s a gentle soul who believes in the best for people and doesn’t hold grudges….. unlike so many others in the world. 

Yet…. Satan and his followers continue to do what they do….. and that is to come after the good & decent guy. …. To STEAL, kill & destroy!!

Yes, I said Christian band.  This is a GREAT COVER for Robert in that he attends church every single Sunday!!  By all appearances is a “model” citizen….. just that he runs this little theft ring on the side!!  GREAT COVER!!!!!

Guess when they attend church & laugh at the preacher’s jokes Sunday after Sunday ….. they don’t actually crack open a Bible to read that thieves GO TO HELL!!!! 

From 1 Cor 6:9-11

9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who submit to nor perform homosexual acts, 10 nor thieves, nor the greed, nor drunkards, nor verbal abusers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.  

11And that is what some of you were.    ß   KEY WORD!!!!   “were”!!!

What they WERE…..  BEFORE they repented of their selfish lifestyles & ways & were washed in the name of the Lord.

Would they change their ways even if they knew that?  Or would they be so desperate to try to gouge us that they’d go on trying anyway?  I personally believe they hate us so much, they’d continue ANYWAY.

And for you pet lovers who’d definitely understand this:  well, we have no assurance our pets go with us in the rapture (though we can pray for it, won’t know till it actually happens), so it is also my ultimate prayer that Robert and his family will not be able to get in & do ANY harm at all to our dogs  (even after the rapture!!)   Yes, I still believe with my whole heart the rapture is very soon.

That’s all I can tell you for now.

Thank you for the prayers!!   Again, it’s been the ONLY REASON these thieves have not succeeded.

Thanks, thanks, thanks!!