Tony Ellsworth (31 Jan 2016)
"New clues about how Earth got its moon | National News - Rapture warning"

The moon is the bride and there is a hidden story Satan doesn't want you to know about. The earth was not separated from the moon by a glancing blow millions of years ago. The name Theia for the planet in the story is of a goddess. Satan's lie. 

The first bride of mankind was Eve and she was taken from her husbands side. When they fell in sin they were separated. So, the bride of the earth was separated from her husband. Adam is the dust of the earth and Eve is the bride if the garden of Eden. 

Once original sin occurred YHWH took the moon from the side of the earth and put it in his orbit. When the moon comes between her husband and the Sun (Son) then she is dark as a new moon. When she is behind her husband she is adorned as a bride for her husband (revelation 21).  

The moon is the rock carved without human hands that will again return to earth from the book if Daniel. It will crush the mingled clay and iron toes of the antichrist. It's place is the ring of fire in the Pacific Ocean. Currently the moon is moving away from her husband, but as Isaiah prophesied the poles will be reversed and the magnetism will draw her back. Once husband and wife are together again as one then perfection and the garden will be restored.

The moon came from the earth. This is why the materials are matching. It has nothing to do with a goddess save for the serpent appearing as an angel of light. This 'Theia' caused the moon in that Adam and Eve fell. 

On December 24, 1968 Apollo 8 before the whole world declared the glory of God by reading the first ten verses of Genesis. 

On July 20th man declared himself god and aligned with the giant leap for mankind. Apollo 11 landed on the Pacific Ocean on the 9th of AV. This is a prophetic parallel to the Israelites for the U.S.  The holy temple was destroyed on these days and the moon sets the time of the feasts, both were given over to the enemy.

July 20th 2019 is the 50th anniversary of the Apollo landing and is the 17th of Tammuz. This is the day Israel worshipped the golden calf. This will be the day the Antichrist  will be worshipped.

2520 is seven biblical years. Seven biblical years before July 20th 2019 Neil Armstrong died. 1260 days from his death is the Jubilee Super Bowl 50. 1290 days is the total solar eclipse over the Pacific Ocean, the ring of fire where the moon will return to her place and where Apollo 11 splashed down. 1335 days is Passover. 


Tony Els