Nelson Lee (10 Jan 2016)
"Judgment Coming to America's Defiant Sleeping Churches"


I had a terrible dream on the night of May 8 2015. It was very vivid and terrifying. I awoke in a cold sweat and immediately knew this was a dream from the Lord.

In my dream, I walked up to a concrete slab (maybe 20’ x 20’) situated in the middle of a green field. One by one, four men laid down individually. All of them were nude in various poses. A voice told me, “These people will burn.”

Then I saw a giant blow-torch, about three feet in diameter, belching a long stream of blue flame, which consumed each of these people, one at a time. The flame came from BEHIND me and went THROUGH me to consume them. I was not the source of the flame, but I was immune to it. At first I thought they were dead bodies being cremated.

The first man was lying nude on his left side (facing me) and on the right side of the slab. Then the flame came on and consumed him. I saw the fire blister his skin and it began to boil and char, but he was sound asleep and never showed any reaction. It was very graphic and very sickening.

Next I saw another man laying on his left side on the left side of the slab and facing away from me. This man was also asleep, but when the flame came on again I same him flinch. A voice then told me, “These are not dead, but asleep.”

I prayed for this man to have a painless death and for God to have mercy on him. I was sickened at the thought of him suffering.

Then I saw a third man laying in the same position as the second man. However, he was awake and KNEW what he was doing. He had intentionally laid down.

I then realized that ALL three men had intentionally put themselves on the slab knowing their fate. The first two had simply tried to sleep through the judgment as to lessen the pain. The first man had successfully slept through the fire because he was so fast asleep it didn’t wake him. The second man tried to ignore the fire, but he could not.

I was terrified when I saw the third man was awake. I cried out to God to lessen his torment and to make this quick so he didn’t suffer. I watched his ivory skin turn light brown as the fire hit him. I watched his hair catch on fire. Then I saw he was in extreme pain, but he would not cry out to the voice to save him. I observed a certain arrogant defiance in him as his skin browned then blackened. It looked a lot like a marshmallow getting roasted, until finally he burst into flames. I realized he just took it, and it was then I realized that all three of these men had intentionally placed themselves on the slab knowing punishment was coming. They did not care. The first two were just trying to escape the pain of the fire by sleeping although the second man didn’t achieve his goal. The third man was a willing participant, but all three were defiant to the end.

Then I saw the fourth guy. He was also nude and on all fours facing away from me. His butt in the air defiantly. It was a disgusting and disturbing sight. He was strutting his butt in the air and then the voice told me he was a homosexual. He was yelling at the fire, “Hurry up!”

He was wanting to be burned, beginning with his genitalia, as if to gain some sort of perverse pleasure from it. Then the flame consumed him.

Immediately the slab was clear. Two giant hands held a small metal trashcan, no bigger than a waste-bucket, and showed me the inside of the contents: it was full of ash. I realized in my spirit this was what was left of these four men.

It amazed me that none of these men screamed or begged for mercy. I was begging for mercy for them, at least the last three, for it to stop and for their deaths to be painless and quick (when it became apparent the fire wouldn’t stop). It was also apparent that all of them had willingly placed their bodies on the slab knowing their fate. They knew they were headed to their deaths, but they were defiant, arrogant to the end.


The four men represent four different types of churches in America. God’s judgment is coming to those who are in the church, but are not part of THE church (the true Body of Christ). These people are willingly embracing the Laodicean life because to get off the slab of judgment is too inconvenient for them.

1.    The first man represents the majority of self-labeled Christians who are are simply asleep by their own choice.

2.    The second man represents those who are aware of what’s going on, but don’t want to do anything about it.

3.    The third man represents those who KNOW what is happening and what is wrong, but in their arrogance they refuse to repent and do what it takes to stop the coming judgment.

4.    The fourth man is the part of the American church who is getting into bed with the homosexual revolution. God is judging America because of her sin and these churches are openly embracing the homosexual agenda (despite Romans 1:26, 27) by ordaining homosexual clergy, performing weddings for   homosexual couples, and compromising the Word of God. They do it willingly and are proud of their disobedience. The fourth man represents the apostate church, the church which is rejecting the authority of God’s Word and embracing the world.

The fire is God’s judgment, which is coming and is now unavoidable. God is judging the church in America because it is asleep, indifferent, and apostate.

I represented the part of the church which will pass through this judgment and be refined by it, but not hurt or destroyed. There will be a remnant who will be found awake when this judgment comes, which explains why I was not burned by the flame.

We have to preach the Word of God and stand strong on the scriptures. By this God will use us to bring His judgment and damnation upon the heretical church.



Nelson W. Lee

Agape Home Fellowship
