Jan J (31 Jan 2016)
"Vigilance - Part Two"


Vigilance - Cont'd
Use what time is left. Open your heart wide
so that love for Jesus can flow in and shape
your life; then, even while you sleep, this
love is actively present---simply because your
whole being is given over to Him. Do not
tolerate anything that would diminish your
love for Jesus and cause Him to withdraw
His love from you. Do not tolerate a negative
attitude toward any person. Do not tolerate
any false attachments to people and things.
Do not tolerate anything that would draw
you away from Jesus' path of lowliness and
obedience. Resist the temptation to go your
own way, gratifying self. Be on your guard
against losing the love you had at first.
The hour is coming when the One whom your
soul loves will appear, but you will not notice
if you are not aglow with first love. Nor will
you be drawn to Him, for only those who love
Him with bridal love will be drawn to the
Bridegroom. In that hour it will be too late to
open your heart so that it may be filled afresh
with love for Jesus, too late to buy the oil of
love.  Your heart must already be filled with
this love.  You must be a bride with all your
being so that He will receive you as such when
He comes for His bride. He will take as His
bride only those who love Him ardently, even
in the darkest moments, and who were ready
because their lamps were filled with the oil
of repentance and love.
O day of supreme happiness when Jesus cele-
brates the marriage supper of the Lamb with
His bride amid the rejoicing of heaven! It is
worth sacrificing everything to gain bridal love,
the pearl of great price, in order to know the
joy of that day. Yet even if we were to give up
everything in this life that is desirable and
satisfying for body, soul, and spirit for the
sake of this love, we would still have given
too little. Attaining the supreme goal of the
marriage supper of the Lamb is worth everything.
Know that the midnight hour is approaching,
and with it the marriage supper of the Lamb.
The Bridegroom is coming.
Turn your back on everything that would
hinder you from going to meet Him.
Live only to love Him.
(Excerpt - part 2, from My All - ch. 27)