Fay (31 Jan 2016)
"Final Kingdom"

If the European Union (mixed with this crazy migrant influx) is the final kingdom. Iron mixed with clay - then this could spell it's death knell. Could it really be this simple? I pictured our LORD Jesus smashing the feet and toes of Daniel's statue with a furious slamming down - an instant destruction. In a minute. I'm now pretty sure that the destruction is more sophisticated. It's still pretty devastating  and effective. Just not as violent as I presumed ! Yet - destruction has begun - in a BIG way.

The destruction of the final kingdom (nearly there) means that all out panic is about to ensue. The political elite's plans have been cast into chaos. Their "Plan B" will come into force with panic and over reaction. It will be their undoing. Our LORD is SO close now. We must recognise where we are on the prophecy time clock.. All hell is about to break loose.

Seriously, brothers and sisters - we need to pray. We need to prepare.

Migrant crisis RIPS EU apart: Schengen agreement SCRAPPED amid final bid to avert chaos