Fay (31 Jan 2016)
"God Hates Anti Semitism"


God's land is Israel. God's chosen people are the Jewish people. God would never have chosen these people if He didn't think they could hack it. Get through it. Rise above it - once the blinders have been lifted. I doubt that any other people could have got through what the Jewish people have gone through - and still survive. Still worship the God of Israel - no matter what they have been through (due to disobedience, of course). Israel - her land and her people - are a light to the world. Thanks be to God. Imagine living in a small country, surrounded by lunatics who want to kill you - eradicate you. People who will NEVER give tiny Israel any peace. A world where your children are obligated to train for battle - gas masks a necessary must for all households. Imagine your child being kidnapped by knife wielding be headers. Imagine your daughter being forced to "marry" or be raped by these lunatics. Seriously, Doves - we need to support and pray for Israel. In these end times - God is establishing HIS land and HIS people - in readiness for the ultimate war.

The nations didn't really care about Israel or Jerusalem UNTIL the Jewish people formally came back into the land. En masse. So now, this tiny little slither of land is a major issue??? For the arabs as well as the nations?? Huh !?! Israel was not an issue until HER PEOPLE came back - as prophesied in scripture. When the Jewish people came back - the land of Israel blossomed. From a tragic, desolate desert ( Mark Twain's observations - google it) to a lush oasis. All prophesied.

Very good article below:
