Elliot Hong (10 Jan 2016)
"Vincent Tan's $2.34, 1/11, Sivan 5/6, Nuclear Explosion"

Dear Doves:
During the Church Service on 1/3/16, I was inspired by the Holy Spirit
to look into Vincent Tan's $2.34.
In the previous letter "The 2nd Anniversary of Ariel Sharon's Passing,"
I wrote that 1/11/16 could be a high alert day.
 So I simply counted 234 days backward from 1/11/16, and it's 5/23/15
which was Sivan 5/6(Erev Shavout/Shavout 1).
Sivan 5/6 was the day when the Israelites arrived at Mt. Sinai, and God
made a covenant with them as it's written in Exodus 19:5-6.
"Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations
  you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine,
  you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are
  the words you are to speak to the Israelites."
The Israelites took it as a promise of marriage, but it was conditional.
And Matthew 9:15 "The time will come when the bridegroom will be taken
from them" suggests that the privilege of the marriage would be transfered
to the Church for the chosen people rejected their Messiah.
1/10/16 is the last day of the 10th month, Tevet and 1/11/16 is the first day
of the 11th month, Shevat.
10 means Completion and 11 means Judgment. 
Thus 1/10-11/16 could be the time when the Gentile Bride is taken replacing
the chosen people as the Church Age is completed, and the Judgment begins.
It seems that the death of Ariel Sharon on 1/11/14 was a sign indicating the 
time when Israel becomes to face many sorrows after the Rapture.
I was fascinated with youtube messages that Calvin posted.
3 years ago on 1/5/13 Brother Patrick in Philippine saw a night vision that a 
nuclear explosion occurred in the Korean Peninsular just before the Rapture.
And the nuclear explosion came to pass on 1/6/16.
Amazing thing was that Patrick wore a shirt with big number 3 on it when he
made the video 3 years ago. 
Dream of Korean Nuke coming to pass on exact day...Rapture now?
No one knows the day or the hour, but we all know it's very close.